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Everything posted by jason751

  1. Yes, It is being run by the B.S.C got to surport my club.
  2. Hi Mark, how you doing ? What you been up too.
  3. Their have been alot of other events around this time and it hard at anytime to get a meet done. Now is a good time to look to get together with most of the years big shows out the way. Members also have work and their familys as well remember. Hope that you can attend a event or to. Come alone to Modified Live on the 12th Oct. Should be good and come and have a chat.
  4. Hope you have better times on other sites.
  5. By the way is 7:30 am or pm ?
  6. Hi Mark. Hope all is good, When you say meet, are is TDI having a openday for all or just scoobys ? I will see if i can get to this. Post this the other area forums.
  7. Thanks and was good to talk to you at ACE CAFE.
  8. Thanks Graigy and all. Had a good day and was good to see you all. Had lots of fun and hope to see you all at P.T.M show this week comming.
  9. Thanks Craigy. Looked its the one just off the Round about. Like the pic as well
  10. Hi Craigy, just did the post code and look on the link to maps and its saying thier are 4 tesco there. 1 just off the a34/415 and 2 on the a415 and a few more. ?? Which one ?
  12. Thats Great work Craigy. Well done.
  13. Good pic's Glad someone got me in it
  14. Ok thanks for that one. See you soon.
  15. Hi Craigy hope all is good. Any idea when we should get the tickets for the event or will we be getting the on the way ? Looking forward to it. P.S. can tickets for the event be picked up at the gate for anyone else that may come ? ?
  16. I will be there.
  17. Yes she did turn up with it but i think you must had been inside maybe. Was there for about an hour. Let me know if you want to see it and we can sort something out ok ? Was good to meet you.
  18. It was good to see you all and some great cars, Sorry i had to go early. See you all soon. Get some pics up on the site if you can.
  19. Yes still got it. Will be at the Capital meet on Sunday with it.
  20. Hi mark. I will see you there at 11:30 ok
  21. Will be bring both cars my new one and the old won to try and sale it. Running it in as im in love with it. Still not as good looking as the old shapes but im happy with it for what it is. Just want to start getting mod's for it.
  22. That not so good on their part. Be good to see it with the mod's on.
  23. No pic's yet, been ranning all the time. Going for a drive done to brighton this sunday. Take it you just had a re-build then ? Moer mod's ? No car is still up for sale ! Looking to get a small run about to keep the milaged down on the scooby.
  24. Hi Ian. May do ! Should only take me about 5 weeks to clock it up. Got it WR Blue and got the wheels change from Silver to Gold. Had to be done. Looking to getting a WRC rear boot spoiler from the USA, it will be the same as on the WRC car this may.
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