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Everything posted by spikey

  1. starter S.G.B. (Special Garlic Bread) main Crow Burger with Cheese desert will let you know ?
  2. hmmm..... there are loads about actually.
  3. sorry. lol
  4. welcome. woo !!!! another islander
  5. 1. Scooby Hoo? & Jazz Jill (confirmed) 2. Spikey (confirmed) 3. Yogi & Skippy 4. Granby (confirmed) 5. Pele & Loony Toon (dependent on date) 6. Dunks (confirmed) 7. VickyK & Paul (I have been here before and would definatley recommend the food!) 8. Shiralee 9.
  7. nice cheap little run around. looks good
  8. i gave up a long time ago
  9. we all believe you
  10. excellent job there, looks cool
  11. yous gotta lurn too speek propa inglish ?
  12. hi and welcome to the gang
  13. sounds good to me 1. Scooby Hoo? & Jazz Jill 2. Spikey 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  14. :icon_rendeer:
  15. me like lots :icon_rendeer:
  16. lol. not completely, got the new front bumper fitted, just need the bonnet sorted.... then i gotta get the front painted, again. :icon_rendeer: :biggrinsanta:
  17. shiralee.... drove past my house about 8.30ish this morning
  18. 1. Spikey (1) 2. Dunks (1) 3. Granby (1) 4. Pele 5. Rodregos / Miss Rod 6. dazzler (1) 7. Vickyk & Paul (2) 8. hol 9. col_2 10. Loony Toon
  19. i too feel your pain !!!!
  20. personally, i love it
  21. 1. Scoots - Large 2. Still Grinning - large please. 3. Spikey - large please 4.
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