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Everything posted by spikey

  1. with the amount of rain weve had, i bet thats one clean car !!!!!
  2. Gonna stay up past my bedtime and watch it. lol so guys.... who is JACOB ????????
  3. lol. i drove down queenborough road at 5.30am and 2pm today going to and from work.
  4. who would have thought your pink bits would be so nce to look at craigy. []
  5. Big Smile
  6. will look fantastic [Y][H]
  7. []
  8. [:'(][:|][:'(] what car you planning on getting then ? The only other car i would ever get would be a newer model. lol []
  9. 1. Pele - fitted polo and t-shirt (14) 2. VickyK - Fitted polo and T-Shirt (16) & Paul K - T shirt and polo shirt (Large) 3. LoonyToon - fitted polo & t-shirt (xl) Child one too [] 4. Spikey - loose polo (xl) [H]
  10. Ooooooo !!!!!! [H] Very nice indeed
  11. GoOd MoRnInG PeOpLe !!!!!
  12. Lycra it is for you then [] will we have tight fitting kent scoobie trousers to ?? []
  13. excellent [H]
  14. LOL, only knew after watching the news this morning... im a heavy sleeper though, i could have been on the epicentre and wouldnt have felt a thing. [|-)]
  15. thats cool. [H]
  16. Summer is a commin...... is the idea of having Kent Scoobies t-shirts dead ???? sorry if this is a sore point. (waiting to be lynched) []
  17. yours is ok too. lol [] []
  18. nice one. lol []
  19. how long before you get to take her home ?
  20. looking soooooooooooooooooooo good darren !!! gonna look amazin when its done. [H]
  21. ohhh....... too chavy !!!!! lol []
  22. lol, look like potato puppets with big teeth.
  23. there you go mate. lovely car !!!!
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