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Everything posted by spikey

  1. wish i could have came, had some fantastic weather today. [ip]
  2. 1.VickyK & Paul (weekend/camping) 2.Scoots & Mrs Scoots (weekend/camping) 3.Big Jay & Wife (weekend/camping) 4.Prodrive Tony (possible camper) 5.T123VOR & Shorts (weekend/camping) 6.eureka (and gas bbq) 7.Spikey (saturday night sleep-over/sunday)
  3. I did that last year so you should be fine [] excellent.[] [] count me in
  4. I wont be able to get the time off of work for the full weekend, can i come down at 5pm on the saturday and still be with Kent Scoobies ????
  5. 1. Team Yogi - (Work permitting) 2. Uno Turbo 3. Prodrive Tony 4. Spikey 5.
  6. what ya doin to it now darren ???? lol
  7. [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] [:'(] sorry, gonna gave to pull out of this one too. wont get my car back til later next week
  8. everyone is out enjoying the lovely summer weather weve all been having !!
  9. lol, Lightning McGranby, its a good look []
  10. evening Ian [H]
  11. good morning []
  12. or in mcdonalds, they employ anyone, even me at one time (they must have been desperate)
  13. will start a new "find granby a sheppey job" thread maybe a little difficult, what skills ya got
  14. only one solution now. Granby moves to Sheerness []
  15. LOL. 2 days down...... still so long to go.
  16. dirty mind []
  17. Luckily, i will see her again looking shiny and new with a new coat of paint. Wooo !!!!!!!!! Longest 3 weeks of my life. lol [:S]
  18. hopefully the weather will be good. think i might join you on this one. will have the car all done by then. 1. Granby 2. Spikey 3.
  19. spikey


    welcome mate. lovely looking motor !!!! [H]
  20. what a complete w*****. shame you didnt see em do it and beat the c*** out of them. [:@] Great news you getting it sorted so soon !!!!! [Y]
  21. done here to [Y]
  22. i liked the bloke with the monkey !!!! []
  23. After watching Tokyo Drift - "It aint the ride, its the rider" [] I need a re-map [:'(]
  24. looks real cool. would love to get mine done after the re-spray !![H]
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxDTYL-n3Uk maybe not the same camera but still good. (strong language too)
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