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Everything posted by spikey

  1. LOL sorry
  2. Thats Daniel of the 3D's spotted today aswell outside his house
  3. good one but i chose the bucket too
  4. hi from me too
  5. whats the difference between the two dan ?
  6. ill give ya 99p for em then
  7. lookin good dude, lookin good
  8. HaPpY BiRtHdAy !!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. YAY !!!!!!!!!!!! Well done guys !!!
  10. 1 Yogi 2.tank 3.Pistonbroke2 4. tws and gemma + Rabbit 5. Dunks 6. spikey
  11. hee hee !!!! thanks guys
  12. and thats why the sheppey crew love tiesto
  13. should have been black.... but anyways HI & WELCOME TO TE GANG !!!!
  15. im here
  16. well done matey, and after all that cleaning you forced me to do !!!
  17. WOO !!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS
  18. his exhaust is usually well polished
  19. woo, im definately there !!!!!!
  20. yes i am really thick !!!! on another note, i would be up for any of them dates
  21. oh dear, thats pretty embarassing
  22. was in the garden sunday, saw the red arrows fly over my house, flyin bloody low they were too.
  23. yeah, go for it, bet the white to carbon would look the nuts mate
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