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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. monkip1


    Well there are valid points to both sides of the fence, BUT i feel some posts that are here could be saved for talking bout on the chat thread, and the more meaning ful posts like show, meets, and events should have there own thread. Help keep it neat and tidy, and saves people haveing to browse through pages of threads to find information they may need on a show thats comming up. I know "Btt" a post is handy to push it back in to view but shouldent it allready be near the top if there isnt pointless threads being created? Im not having a go at any one or trying to , i just think that it be more efficaint ect ect. Sorry if this has upset anyone. Monki.
  2. Honestly dont know! Im sure some one does tho..................
  3. No not yet photocopys of ticket and window sticker with cover note sent to them! Just awaiting on a reply now at the moment! Monki.
  4. lol. I got a few things to sell on ebay
  5. Sorry to say, I do love the mustangs, But its got to be my dream car................The one car i have wanted for years and years........................The car that stunned me at the 1999 motorshow in Earls court! This is it!
  6. monkip1


    You should get videos of the anti-lag and flames........Got to admit its very mouth watering!
  7. Thanks for the heads up of the ladies, ill view tho's pics on my laptop later tonight pmsl. I got to admit, i do like Phils car......Also I think i noticed Vega's P1,... Which thos white wheels he runs on. Monki.
  8. Well done guys on a good clean lol. So who you pay to clean your car Bailey. Monki.
  9. Speeding in a Artic? Didnt think that was possable lol.
  10. I like alot Good compairison site too imho. Monki.
  11. Busy sunday with the misses
  12. And they are usally found in your garage pmsl.
  13. T33SCH, Im sooo going to get you back for that!!!!
  14. SP, Me and Rand was toying with each other on that same dual carrage way on the way home. pmsl. Both spotted the "Famouse" Speed camera this time pmsl. Im sure other road users thought " " Seeing two blue Impreza's zoom past them at a safe speed. Lucky they can hold the road with minor worries of going off course pmsl. Monki.
  15. If your near bristol on the 27th Dec, your more than welcome to come otu on the piss up for my 22nd? Also the invites extended to the rest fo SIDC of course lol. Monki.
  16. Alan Jefferies as a good engine tuner/replacment specialist hes based in Plymouth i think. Monki.
  17. Very good pics there darren!. Well done dude!
  18. Yeh the sunday roast was a good job too! I think that was a very good meet we had yesterday i wish i could have stayed longer!!!
  19. Yeh the pro-plus did its job about midday onwards pmsl.
  20. I dont mind helping out a mate!. Lol .
  21. Have to arrange to pop up one weekend then! Have a few beers claning your car then go out on the razz
  22. Upgraide/Downgraide to a P1/22B/WR1/RB320 or GB270? No so common. And calling a scoob a mondio is Blashmafy lol Its at least as good as a clio pmsl
  23. Yeh sure for a 4pack of beer.....
  24. "Fook me iv grown" hehehe
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