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Everything posted by scoobzie

  1. noticed this as mark was telling me you might be after one looks a really good base with extras. http://pistonheads.com/sales/930792.htm
  2. will find out m8 am just up from the village but the first guy with a black hooded top in westfeild i see will be visiting the royal
  3. any ideas or description as to who it was the guys am looking for had dark hooded tops on there were 2 of them scoobymark m8
  4. listean m8 there was also another members car from cumbernauld with the windows panned in early hours this morning i wont disclose were but have a idea they were from westfeild if you can shed any light on were the punto was done
  5. thanx for the offer frank but i am just sticking with standard speakers for the time being am not in to big subs more sound quality
  6. just a wee attention grabber to my post cullenmin thought it would be harmless
  7. 1 reply thanx guys
  8. i found an amp in my garage when i was clearing out is it worth putting into the scoob how many of you use them
  9. no probs m8 will see if i can dig out some more
  10. HERE IS A FEW I CAME CROSS FOM THERE WEBSITE http://www.trial.co.jp/osaka/original/trya...mages/tryr1.jpg http://www.trial.co.jp/osaka/original/trya...es/trigc8_2.jpg http://www.trial.co.jp/osaka/original/trya...mages/tryr3.jpg SOME I GOT FROM THE TRIAL SITE
  11. had this done to mine aswell m8 at my old house i got to the stage i gave up and moved not that you can do this but my car now needs a full respray i would get a cheap runaround for work maybe the only option
  12. thanx for the help guys i spoke to steve today and started the ball rolling
  13. thanx guys much appreciated
  14. thanx m8 will try again tommorow
  15. has anyone got a landline number for the man as i have a mobile number but it,s just going on to answer phone thanx
  16. i passed you today at 8.30am at the old inns coming back from work. seen the car in all its glory for the first time was tempted to hitch a lift up with jac aswell jim think of it as a blaze of glory you built it, drove it, and no one else will ever own it . get the insurance money and buy higgys keep the chin up big guy you have some balls to walk away with a smile
  17. thanx for the above andy forgot about that
  18. free vehichle check to see if the car is stolen it works http://www.checkitfree.com/
  19. scooby getting hammered in scarraway flats does it belong to anyone on here i can confirm it was stolen but don,t no were from http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zLICm29np9A could be the one that noel was looking for that hit chrissy i would bank my mortgage on it as this video of the scooby was 3 weeks ago http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...988&hl=noel
  20. gary i have mentioned it to him m8 but he went against my advice from you guys and i think he has made a offer on the car at 1st choice
  21. thanks for the quick reply m8 will let him no
  22. i have a friend who is going to see this tommorow has anyone already viewed it any help will be greatly appreciated http://atsearch.autotrader.co.uk/uvl/popup...&distance=0
  23. hypertech charge £205 quid m8 to fit a clutch that includes the gearbox oil change
  24. advice from andy f if you just do quarter mile stick with top mout as ie lag and that are a minimum only go front mount if you do track days or drive on the roads top mounts heat up to quickly for the track and you lose power that was how he defined it for me
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