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Everything posted by matt78

  1. You're still rubbing that in Ed!!
  2. Was a good day mate. Slept well last night though..
  3. No mate, too many people crowding round it! Plus I may have been slightly jealous of your 464bhp...
  4. Yeah mate. I liked our playtime with those MR2's and that little starlet! You might not have seen him behind me trying to keep up, but every time you and I put our foot down for 5 seconds he was gone! I see another scoob joined us too on the way back.
  5. Only just mate! Nearly at the dreaded 30... Indigestion is getting worse every time I drink!
  6. You're making me thirsty!!! I'll make up for it in newquay next weekend..for 3 whole days!!
  7. I unfortunatly have no beers in
  8. I draw the line at donkeys. Some pics were taken with my camera, which ran out of battery, so the slighly dull coloured ones were with my phone. Enjoyed the day though. Got home then went and got a chinese...
  9. S**T!! How did you know!?
  10. Well my secret is out....I have a secret foot fetish...
  11. My japfest photos... http://photobucket.com/matthill
  12. Just to let everyone know i'm now meeting Scoobtastic at Sedgemoor services (Bridgwater) instead of Taunton Deane Services, don't want anyone turning up and waiting at Taunton!! See you all tommorow!
  13. Ok, last question, where would we get a hose and bucket of water from then?! And I heard it may rain friday and saturday!
  14. Off the subject of the actual convoy, thinking aloud, what happens when us lot prepare our cars, wash and polish them for the event, (as I know everyone will do), then it p****es down saturday morning and the cars are s***bound?! Do you lot just shrug your shoulders or is there some sort of cleaning area there?
  15. Will you take a px with a spitfire made in 1989 by a 11 year old matt78?
  16. Oh did you? I'm a Crewkerne boy actually, just live in Chard now cos it's closer to work.
  17. matt78 SP!!, MATT78!!!!
  18. Anyone got a 2mm socket I can borrow?
  19. Yeah mate. It's gonna be a pain to fit the boost controller...
  20. I've just taken on my first project, building an Impreza almost from scratch! It's gonna take a lot of time and patience! Here's some first pics!...
  21. So how much do you charge mate? You allowed to say on here?
  22. Yeah!!! Nice! My dad had a white estate subaru when I was about 15. Can't remember the model though. One of the 'farmers' subarus at the time (he wasn't a farmer though).
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