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Everything posted by aaron_mckay

  1. Yeah I didnt want to wait so figured I get the small ones in! And I think KAD are quite similar to AP's stuff in looks department, hope they are in braking area! Certainly Alyn at time of ordering advised they were as good as AP setup. Time will tell I guess. Rather depressingly its gonna be next week before I get them on, but still plenty of time for SIDC at knockhill end of may!
  2. Just some quick pics of new brakes before I get them fitted. KAD 6 pots courtesy of Alyn at AS Performance. Top service from a top bloke. Anyways will get some more pics up once on car and report on what they are like out on the road!
  3. Nice pics. Good to meet you guys last night! Definitely bring the cossie down next time!
  4. Yeah good to meet some of you finally. Looking forward to the next one / run.
  5. Same used the Falkirk guy and was more than happy. Would recommend as well.
  6. No point putting out that outlay if you do not have to yet. I would wait till it needs done then get an uprated one.
  7. Welcome, glad you got log in sorted
  8. Great result, hope to see the car sometime at Knockhill! Maybe even a cheeky pax! Aaron
  9. Can't say I like either version so far.
  10. Not so bad for me. Just turned 25, 5yrs no claims driving 8 years and insurance for the P1 £650 a year. I wouldnt complain about that for group20.
  11. To be honest I say name and shame!! Fellow subaru users need to know about bad dealerships to same them money in long run! Glad its all getting sorted though. Aaron
  12. lol, sorry. Hit enter before I had actually typed the message body! Apologies!
  13. Anyone recommend a good set of Tools to allow me the basics to start to work on my own cars? Ideally a kit that contains the most needed tools etc. Sorry if this is abit vague but tbh I do not know what I need? Thanks Aaron
  14. For a uk one I should imagine thats something of an understatement! Exige are wonderful cars to drive, plus tuning companies are now offering small turbo's for them. Meant to be a blast!
  15. Good to know mate, thanks. Although on a rather more depressing note, car may be sold this week! Have to wait and see how if pans out. Aaron
  16. Yeah no problems Stevie, will have to get along to a meet! And it sure was pissing it down!! Thanks again for the help!
  17. Yeah was me! Thanks again for your help Stevie, much appreciated. Gotta love the alarm when a radio signal blocks out the key fob and it won't start!! Ah well you live and learn! Thanks again for the help. Aaron
  18. Where is nearest convoy point near Stirling? Just if I don't watch the Aussie GP I could head to this run as a final farewell to the car!
  19. Personally I wouldn't be long in fitting a spoiler if I had one! And shopping in the track car?
  20. Great vid! Actually popped up to KH to see the track day. Wandered over to see the cars but you all looked busy so I dandered back off again! Will say hello next time and try scrounge a pax lap off someone! Might bring my scoob out to play next time, though the big power evo's would eat it!! Some cracking cars that day! Aaron
  21. Maybe 400 would be pushing the stock engine too far. Not afraid of the rebuild when it happens but at same time not actively looking to sprint towards it as fast as possible you know! Maybe 350 - 370 might be a more realistic figure? Gonna need to invest in some tools! This could get messy given my very little knowledge of car internals! Keen to learn though! Cusco thanks for pm. Aaron
  22. Thanks Johnny appreciate the input! Need to decide before I spend monies on brakes which car i'm keeping! Seen some lovely D2 8pot brakes on ebay would look mint on a white sti!
  23. Guys would appreciate a bit of help. Thinking of going down modding route with a scoob for fast road / track use. Currently have a P1 which I know people have gotten to circa 400bhp on stock internals, but I currently have it for sale and not sure I want to mod it. Been looking at uk Turbo 2000 or early JDM STI (v2 / 3). Question is if I go for the uk or JDM StI what will I have to do to get to 400? Is it going to require a rebuilt with stronger internals? Off top of my head and limited knowledge I know i'm looking at: FMIC / Bigger Turbo / 550c injectors / New clutch / Walboro fuel pump / decat exhaust / Remap Have I missed any of the bigger things? Gonna be looking to do most of work myself ( completely new to this but keen to learn!) Thanks for help
  24. Thanks for heads up. Keep missing them with jumping of schedules.
  25. Sorry guys, just this second home from work. Next time!
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