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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. Audi Quattro for me Geo,was it called S1 when it first popped and banged through a rally stage(im not too clever on the model numbers ,evolutions ,etc.) Anyway ,my reason is simple,if it wasnt for Audi bringing AWD and reliable turboe'd engines,what do you think we would all be driving today???? No dought my theory will be shot down in flames,but ,thats my opinion,and hey its a better topic than Poo,Poo. Cheers, Mark.
  2. welcome aboard!!! you can get a turbo for that kind of money mate, as mentioned earlier,take your time and shop around,there are still plenty classics out there that are worth a look. BTW,what island are you on,i'll bet the roads are quiet and Fed free,they are crying out for a turbo,go on, go on,you know you want one!!! Cheers, Mark.
  3. Andy,you wont get any where near Faslane with that avitar photo mate.Ron will get you checked out,the next thing you know ,youll be in the back off a big black van heading for Guantanamo Bay to answer "a few security issues we may have sir!!!!!" cheers, Mark.
  4. I was wandering if you still need a special handlers licence to transport Haggis offshore Ac!d.I dont know how you guys can do without for a month.I heard somewhere that new EU rules were restricting travelling times of the little critters depending on how many are in one crate etc. I suppose its some animal welfare thing!!!!! Brussels has a lot to answer for if you ask me!!! cheers, Mark.
  5. Had a very good new year ! you say,youre not fekin' jokin' mate.Glad you enjoyed it,you lucky,lucky,barsteward. cheers, Mark.
  6. Hi Gus,28 squid been sent by Paypal. cheers, Mark.
  7. Hi Gus,can you PM me with Paypal details and i'll sort you out mate. cheers, Mark.
  8. it looks like a small aluminium cylinder about 2 inches long by 1 inch dia. Has 2 small pipes going in at the bottom.No cover on my car mate.Couldn't tell you about other M/Ys though. cheers, Mark.
  9. Cheers Craig,thought that might be it ,i'll give it a clean out during the hols.Thnx, Mark.
  10. Hi folks,sorry to bring this up again,but i have done a search,and as i'm not one of the oily fingernail brigade,it's all very useful if i actualy new where and what it looks like. I've had a bit of a stuttery engine when coming on boost,only very slightly but you can notice it more under hard acceleration.Having read some prev. threads i thought i'd clean this out first.So if anyone can give me a good description of /location of i would be v. grateful.I believe it is on drivers side inner wing,but so are a lot of bits and pieces,lol.BTW it's a 00MY uk turbo. cheers, Mark.
  11. count me in as well mate,black strip ,white lettering,and pair of etchies,i'm sure i can wait till then. cheers, Mark.
  12. DIY fitting of sunstrip OK for me as well,and i'll defo take 2 etch effects.Let me know prices and method of payment. Cheers Gus. Mark.
  13. I feel a group buy coming up,how about it Gus???
  14. Hi Gus ,looking for strip in black, white SUBARU lettering with subaru logo either side to fit a classic,also could do with 2 SUBARU etch effect decals. Cheers for help mate, Mark.
  15. FAO Golfdaft,hi mate,i've been looking for same type of sunstrip,had same problems in sourcing a quality one,how did you get on with Gus.Any luck? cheers, Mark.
  16. First class Andy,thats the true meaning of Christmas there mate. Cheers, Mark.
  17. I had same problem with Sigma system on my 00MY uk turbo,Cumbernauld town centre has a rooftop full of telecoms masts,you just have to remove key from ignition,put the 4 digit pin nr. into the key pad,close door ,alarm will peep several times,lock door manualy ,car is now immobilised. On returning to car,unlock door manualy,alarm will sound,put in 4 digit pin.,alarm turns off,start car as normal.A bit of a pain i know but at least you know your cars safe when you walk away. Cheers, Mark. edit-i believe the drivers door has to be open before putting in pin nr.
  18. Hi folks,resuts so far---(squirrel ,this will make you happy,lol.) VBH Suzzy Perry Kylie Minogue So come on folks,505 views, only 32 replies,you just have to put 1 name,go on you know you want to!!!! Cheers , Mark.
  19. Imy,at the risk of sounding thick,how do i add name to list,i havn't a clue !!!!!
  20. Hi Ally heres the best of a bad bunch.Any use mate? ooops forgot about reg plates,sorry guys.
  21. Hi folks, you may have read the article in last nights Evening times about a survey amongst bikers at the MCN bike show in London.It asked ,who would be your fave all-time dream pillion passenger? The top 3 were, Angelina Jolie Valentino Rossi Keeley Hazell So,to pass some time who would Subaru drivers want next to them,wheather its a few pax laps round Knockhill,or a drive on youre favourite B road.Remember they can be from past or present,think about it though,do you want someone to give you a few tips like Colin MacRae,or someone you can pose about town with,movie star,model,Brad Pitt perhaps ladies??? Anyway i'll let you all think about it and share youre thoughts with everyone else. WARNING!!!! Please dont put wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend,even if they are looking over youre shoulder,as thats just boring,oh!,and of course you can be silly with youre answers if you want ,its just for fun!!!! Cheers, Mark.
  22. welcome mate,youll love it on here,plenty of sound advice from top blokes(and blokesses).And of course some daft advice from some nutters.lol. enjoy!!! cheers, Mark.
  23. Hi folks,had a great time today ,pitty about the weather,but i'm sure it was all worth it.I managed to put a few faces to the names on here,all seemed pretty friendly boys and girls i'm glad to say. Thanks to Peter for involving my son Ciaran in judgeing the decos on the cars,he loved every minute of it,especially waveing to everyone as we drove through the city centre with the horns blasting!!!! Anyway, i hope all the kids have a crackin' christmas,and to all involved in makeing thier christmas that little bit better. I,cant wait for the new year to get more involved in SS ,for runs ,meets etc.,as work just hasn't allowed it this year. So once again merry christmas to one and all. cheers, Mark.
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