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Everything posted by colzo

  1. Petter and Proton will be well suited as they're both p!$h! But hey what do I know.
  2. The front look fine its the rear lights and Dumbo mirrors that put me off! Silver and Dark Grey are the best colours IMO.
  3. I thought Solberg was going to jump out!
  4. Hello and welcome folks.
  5. I was wondering when the other chuckle brother would pipe up.
  6. Two words spring to mind, 'spat' and 'dummy'.
  7. Thats so 2008 mate! Keep up.
  8. Petter has being living off his title for far too long. Citroens reliability helps Loeb alot but his skill and lack of mistakes make him the best.
  9. Honestly guys the amount of threads I have read about replica splitters getting busted you would have been better buying the OE STI one. I've had the STI one for nearly 3 years with no issues at all. OK, no doubt I paid double than the copies but it doesn't break when you show it a kerb!
  10. Gav Was your Aubergine Cossie a Limited Edition Monte Carlo per chance? Always remember the Green one with the Irish plate (GAZ I think) and big wheels and brakes and always sat with J20NOV. While we are reminiscing did anyone on here own an ex Fraser Anderson silver Prodrive (WR Sport) Saloon demo S20SUB which had a Racewall Cowdenbeath sunstrip?
  11. Ex SWRT driver Chris Atkinson joins the Citroen 'Junior' Team while Petter Solberg struggles to get a drive. Rally Norway have extended their deadline for entries to give Solberg a chance to enter his local rally. Ford vs Citroen - think I'll follow the Moto GP this year!
  12. Anyone driving without insurance, Tax or MOT anger me and there is no point banning them as they would still drive.
  13. Used to love Strathy Park when I was a lad dreaming about owning a Subaru, ah they were the days. Anyone know who the Mallard Green Escort Cossie belonged to?
  14. EVO looks better but STI sounds better IMO.
  15. Looking good mate. Maybe erase the street name in the photo if you know what I mean.
  16. It will be the shocks. I've had mine done on my 53 and 55 plate STIs. IIRC this problem has been reoccurring for over 5 years, seems ridiculous to me.
  17. Hello and welcome mate.
  18. Just the thought of someone messing about with the car would p*** me right off too.
  19. 05 STIs onwards tend to wear on the outside due to the standard geometry settings. I run 34 front and 32 rear on 18s. Do you have a lot of roundabouts where you live/work?
  20. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and all the best for 2009 folks. Colin
  21. Hello and welcome mate. Looking good, enjoy the new car!
  22. Splitter looks great mate. Definitely go for 18s.
  23. Will keep my eyes peeled for the little fecker!
  24. Bad news Col 666 (and oobster), what are people all about these days? No respect at all.
  25. Nice improvement mate.
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