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big jay

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Everything posted by big jay

  1. I think the gold one's look best or maybe the the grey. No the gold ! the white! no the grey or the gold or maybe the white!!!!. I could not choose which one's, i like them all. But at a push i think it would have to be the gold.
  2. If there is going to be trip over to the ring i'm up for that!!!![]
  3. There must be some thing wrong with my classic coz i don't get none of that crap with mine!!![] Long live the classic's[Y][]
  4. I think it's like that due to the road work's there.They've shut the third lane off on both side's coz they need to repair the barrier in the centre.It's been a nighmare there in the morning's the traffic back's up to the medway bridge![] Their taking their time fixing it!!![:@]
  5. Here's the sizes available: S=36" M=38-40" L=42" XL=44" XXL=46-48" (£1 extra) XXXL=50-52" (£1 extra) 1. Loony Toon XXL & Vicky Plum Child size !! 2. Pele & Jake 3. Q Dog & Sophie 4. White Warrior 5. Scoots 6. Daniel and Danela 7. T123VOR & CONNOR - Can you get kids sizes by chance? 8. Dunks 9. HairyDJ & Chrissy 10. turismo & louise 11. Prodrive Tony 12. HOL 13. Padtwo 14. mickyw 15.VickyK 16.Big Jay 1x XXXL 17. Deani-age 18.Just add your size and amonts to the list
  6. I vote for suzie she's a fox[][],but who is the better driver out the two?[:|]
  7. I've been using v.power for the last week and mine still pop's and bang's with some beening quite load!!![Y][] The week before i had used tescos 99 and my scoob felt very sluggish[] so i wont be using it again.
  8. 1. Loony Toon & Vicky Plum 2. Pele & Jake 3. Q Dog & Sophie 4. White Warrior 5. Scoots 6. Daniel and Danela 7. T123VOR & CONNOR - Can you get kids sizes by chance? 8. Dunks 9. HairyDJ & Chrissy 10. turismo & louise 11. Prodrive Tony 12. HOL 13. Padtwo 14. mickyw 15.VickyK 16.Big Jay
  9. Sorry people i would love to be there to get one over the essex boy's but i'm buying a new house at the mo,so i most likely be moving then. GUTTED!!!!!!![:'(] I hope you do the business[]
  10. Hello All, saw a 54 reg Silver with gold rims today at about 5ish near Black Lions, Gillingham...........where we exchanged pleasantries through the windows[]
  11. look's nice[H] look's like you've done a good job on it[Y]
  12. []Not sure of the way it look's,it's not bad but i agree the sti high level is the way to go.[au]
  13. Do you think he sh** his pant's!!!!!!!!!!![][]
  14. Hi very one i sore a black bug eyed with gold rim's up medway hospital yesterday at 5pm. Is that anyone?
  15. i think the t-shirt look's okay and it will be better in the dark grey.what are the size's going to be?
  16. 1. Loony Toon 2. Pele 3.Yogibear 4.VickyK & Paul 5.Scoots 6.Big Jay
  17. Oi! you div i'll see you on saturday your baby sitting - remember!!!!!!![][]
  18. Thank's for the invite would love to go but i have no penny's coz i've spent it all on getting my scooby. I will be going to the next scooby meet .[]
  19. no mate i've got a silver one.how come you get to live in two country's?
  20. They'll take them away, won't be a permanent fixture, BUT i think when they have finished A2 they're starting on the 25 from dartford tunnel to jct3 - Swanley so there'll be more there.
  21. Sorry to here your news mate, can sympathise we've not long moved into a house(3mths) and the landlord has decided he wants it back and we've got to be out in 2 months - which is nice!!!!
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