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Everything posted by Stressymare

  1. ha ha ha [] at least mine still work, yours went so many times round, it unwound itself[] should know i watch my figure...............figure of 8 most of the time with my belt on, and O without[].....tristen!...this would be you matey>>>>O[][] hey who nicked my legs and arms..... they were there last time i looked.. If anyone has seen them let me know............ my right arm should have a beer atched..... ( hands on hips foot tapping ) ARE YOU HIJACKING MY THREAD MR ?????? [:@]
  2. might come down cause some trouble [] 1. Loony Toon 2.Pele 3.Shiralee 4. Blue V LTD 5,Stressymare
  3. hope things get a bit better Andy keep ya chin up lad []
  4. see it all the time its not very nice
  5. err you two im not a bloody toy yeah ok i could be [] lmao
  6. and then you tell me your avin my baby []
  7. there is only one place and all women know it [Y]
  8. i know your jokin Mark i can take as well as give []
  9. not all the time lol just wen i want a certain somethin []
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