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Everything posted by william_young

  1. for one the road tax , the cost of running it iam trying to save for my wedding , it getting an older car now so it needing more tlc and i cant be ar*+d doing it most of the time . thats just off teh top of my head so i bought a sensable car for a year or 2 then ill have another one i will post a list of stuff in the forsale bit
  2. have enough of the subaru so i traded it in on saturday so i will be putting a post up in the forsale section with the bits i have taken off . can anyone tell me how to add pics the the post please thanks billy
  3. hi iam thinking about getting rid of my impreza and was looking for some help on the price i should expect to get or a rough figure . its a 95 m reg , uk turbo , tracker and cat one alarm , a lot of history from previous owners and some receipts form when i have had it its mot'd till july and taxed till april it has no major marks or dents and the interior is clean with no holes . it also has some light mods which are an rear silencer , dump valve and filter . cant think of anything else iam looking find a rough price for a trade in or private sale , i understand that the trade in will be less thanks for any help billy
  4. iam 27 in april and have 5year aim £405 with tesco woth tracker and cat 1 immob
  5. welcome to the site hope you have fun with the car
  6. billyyoung@hotmail.com
  7. iam starting to have a problem with water on the under side of my boot lid due to condensation with the cold weather , i dont have any carpet in the boot either its a plastic liner tray it came like this when i bought it . does anyone ahve any advise or a solution for it , its not huge amounts of water but more annoying. would getting a carpet for the boot halp if so were would i find one
  8. i stay in dundee not the roughest part but not the best either . not sure for modifcations. i got a quote from directline of £428 paid out right or £460 for monthly payments the excess was only £350 but i could have had it at £250 it was about 50 quid dearer
  9. had my renewal from tesco £515 , phoned them up and said that i can get it cheaper so the woman went through it with me and i got it down to £439 including monthly payment charge , got legal protection , hire car should i need it and an excess of £250 . thats for 5 years ncb , tracker and cat 1 alarm and iam 26 . on a uk turbo . cheered me up for the day now . just shows if you phone them and say your leaving what they will do to help
  10. never mind just need to look on the bright side fuel duty has been un-frozen woo hoo a pound a litre for petrol here we come
  11. was just looking around and came across this it might be what someone is after http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/products/sea...e=ROAD&cls=ROAD cheap exhaust
  12. thanks for that scoobymadburd it never smokes. the only time it uses oil is when it loses it like now lol. it smells of oil because it is managing to get on the exhaust heat shield that runs along the front it doesnt seam to be getting an worse either cause ive been using it (although not a clever thing to do ) does anyone know if there could be an issue with the oil pump that would cause this . has anyone had pervious problems with theirs
  13. just been back to them , i can only get it booking in a weeks time but they said it might be back pressure causing it to blow the seal
  14. back in june my car had an oil leak from the crank seal , i took it to where i bought it from and they repaired it , then in september it started to leak again so i took it to subaru and they repaired it . now it looks like its leaking again [:@] could this be a problem with the oil pump or something more serious i dont want to start throwing money away on crank seals every couple of months thanks for any help ps. would it be covered by a subaru parts/labour warrenty
  15. thanks for the info davie . think santa is gonna be coming early to me now
  16. has your oe wire been ok with them on what ones do you have i was told not to go over 8000k
  17. ive been looking at these davie. but the ones ive seen only have dipped beam do you have dipped and high beam on yours
  18. i just got my renewal from tesco yesterday they want£477 fully comp with cat 1 immob and tracker . first place i tried on the net today was directline and they want £319.65 fully comp iam 26 with 5 years no claims and an accident at the start of the year when some old git ran into the back of my mg think ill still try a couple of other places might get it cheaper yet . oh forgot to say its a uk turbo
  19. for anyone i n dundee the kingsway tesco is also doing the stuff
  20. is an exedy clutch the best to go for . the car is standard apart from a rear silencer and filter it really gonnna be doing much to it in the way of power gains would an oe clutch be around the same price
  21. cheers for the offer of teh clutch gav i will keep that in mind . i might strip it down over the weekend to check and see if the flywheel is ok i will get back to you gav
  22. looks like my clutch is on the way out . has anyone on here changed one themselves , was it an ok job to do also what sort of pirce should i pay for a clutch kit it for a classic turbo
  23. what was the name of the site or shop you got them from
  24. does anyone know were i would get the stickers to go on these covers one of mines is damaged and they look horrible without them on
  25. got it back last night from melvilles in errol by dundee/perth cost £191.44 fitted with new timing belt to
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