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Everything posted by william_young

  1. i wonder if anyone can do me a favour. iam have a serious engine problem which i have already put a post about . i got my car on the 30th of june and on thursday it developed a bad oil leak , now i am a mechanic to trade but i have never worked on the flat 4 engine . i know were the leak is coming from but without haven seen another flat 4 engine ie side by side i cant compaire it to work out the problem the leak is coming from between the sump and the timing cover , now at first i thought it was the crank seal but having had a garage look at it and speaking with the guy iam not so sure . the gap between the sump and timing cover is about an inch or so, now there seams to be a gap the runs between them and it runs front to back its this gap that i would like the help with i would be sure to say its were the halfs of the block join together. now it looks lilke thats were the oil is coming from. would it be possible for someone to try and take a picture of this gap ie between the timing cover and sump it would have to be taken from underneath looking up at the engine. it would be a great help and much appreciated just to see if its a problem with the block or something different. as it is the car is back to the place i got it from and it supposed to be away gettting looked at.i have already contacted the trading standards regarding the problem due to the salesman saying he didnt have to do anythign to it as it doesnt have a warranty (if the gaps the problem i suspect it has been bodged up to get the car sold and away due to the nature for them when i took it back ) they also mot ' d it for me and it should not have passed because the back drop links on the anti roll bars are knackered so vosa is involved with the mot garage to .since thursday its been a total pain having to deal with it and its took the fun i have had since i got it away and i now wish i never bought the thing ( so does the missus ) so any pics of the bottom front of the engine would be a great help to me or even if anyone knows if it should or shouldnt be there ( the gap ).i dont have the car so i cant take a pic and post it highlighted so its easier to understand i hope you can understand what i mean lol .
  2. i took the car back to the place i got it this morning and they said they would get it looked at by someone so just need to patient now and wiat to see what the they find and what happens next . i hate this waiting bit
  3. were are greensport iam in dundee wont be able to drive the car far
  4. just had a call from the guy and its not the crank seal its looking like a problem with the block went and seen it dont know what to do now its a 95 uk turbo does anyone know what the cost of a recon engine might be or the cost to get it overhauled if so please post would be good to get an idea of my next step
  5. going to work today at half 5 this morning i stopped at a set of lights and there was some light steam coming off the bonnet i thougth just with it heating up the condensation , further down the road stopped for another set of lights its a bit worse this time but keep going as iam nearly at work. stopped at the garage just down the road from work and its quite bad. i got my stuff then on the way out to the car i noticed somethign dripping thinking it would be a burst water pipe i thought i better check it was oil . dont have time to look so drive around the corner and got to work . i finished at 12 on holiday now for 19 days and had a quick look thinking my oil filter had came loose, put more oil in and started it and its pouring out of the timing case at the bottom, looking like the front crank seal is away great start to my hols iam well **** off now. dropped it off at the garage they dont know when they can look at it typical !
  6. ok so the pic didnt work can someone tell me how to post pics please
  7. hi all with being new to the club i thought i would post a pic of the car so here it is just manged to get it washed and polished
  8. just a quick question i fitted a bailys dump valve yesterday and it worked ok. i took the car to pick up the missus and stopped at tescos. when i got back in it wasnt working so check when i got home all the pipes were ok they hadnt falling off, but the valve itself was boiling hot i let it cool and fitted it again then, tried it and it worked fine. now went out today and worked ok , done what i had to do got back to the car and it wasnt working again . has this happen to anyone or does it sound like a faulty valve . also should it dump when i rev the car ie just sitting not actually moving . thanks for any answers its beat me billy
  9. without sounding cheeky who is andy f and what does he do for the remap is he a member or someone from a garage everyone uses
  10. just to say a hi to the couple of scoobys that have pasted me in the one was a blue p1 i think and the others were silver sti's these were in dundee one on strathmartin rd and cant remember were the others were .
  11. thanks for the replys yeah the fuel that it gos through is more than i thought but that will be something to live with i suppose lol . i was thinking of the filter exhaust and dump valve hadnt thought about any ecu work . why should i get it check on a rolling road for a decat i have not done that with any of my other cars ? does it do something for the worse sorry but cant remember who asked but im from dundee i also signed up to be a member just waiting on my pack thanks for looking and hope to meet some new friends billy
  12. hi everyone . how are you all today , ive just had my car over a week and iam wait to start doing thigns now so whats the best to start with and what will i get the best results from . its a standard 2000 turbo with an sti front lip
  13. thanks for the help . iam gonna wait till i get teh log book for it might see if it is on there, if not time to question teh garage i got it from
  14. hi all just a quick question. should i be putting super or optimax in my car ive only had it a week so this is the first time i have had to fill it . also the car was advertised as an sti it has the body part of it but is there anyway to tell because the place i got it form says its a uk car its a 95 impreza , am i right in saying that only imports of that age were sti's anyway thank you or any light that you can shed on these questions how is everyone today ]" src="/emoticons/emotion-2.gif">
  15. hi iam from dundee and i just got a silver sti
  16. hello everyone, iam new to the site and just picked up my impreza today. can anyone tell me how much it would cost to get the timing belt replace at a garage, i know the prices will be different but its just a rough idea so i dont get shocked at the price . [] thanks billy
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