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Everything posted by cullenmin

  1. Nice 1 steve, fine day for it and its good to see your enjoying yer BEAST![H] Fits the blue thingy attached te the side o yer battery?[:|] Rich
  2. This one was stolen a number of months ago! Was this it? Taken from http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/896420.aspx
  3. That is a very scary experience mate, very glad you got away. SO this was in daylight hours? very scary! You really do need to put up as much details of this white classic as you can! Was there not a post of one stolen a number of months ago on here and scoobynet? Rich
  4. The answer is NO and thats the same opinion of everybody I have spoke to in the last two days, in person, without all the Politically Correct crap!
  5. I'm not sticking up for the wee hoodlums in bathgate, but it does say the petrol bomb went through an estate agent window.....not the mosque! Surely if it was aimed at the mosque then it would have hit the mosque! 2 + 2 = 5 thats how I see that News report
  6. Thanks rich, il keep an eye for you, Im through your way a lot., Im not really that keen on meets bud, what does everyone do ? They just seem to stand about and chat ? I wouldnt like to go unless I knew folk there, and im probably a bit older than most at 33 coming 34. Maybe a RR day or something I was thinking about organising one in Ellon. I organised the last one at Elgin, turn out was quite good with 7 scoobs and Scooby222 in his motorbike also joined us. We all chatted in Elgin (to get to know eachother etc) then a wee run to Nairn, had another wee chat at the harbour then set off to granton, wee chat then back to Elgin/Keith heading homeward. I've got to know some of the guys by just going to the meets, we are all like minded people with the same interest, Scoobys. At some of the other meets in Inverness we have had a wee run and then went for something to eat afterwards. If a run isnt quite your thing then you can still just show face for the banter etc. If you were to organise a RR day at ellon then I would definately be up for it (providing I was not workin) [] Rich
  7. Two scoobys, nice 1...and sellin an evo to get another scooby. I like your style. If I see you going about it'll be big waves fe me! You should pop along to the next meet to say hi! Rich
  8. michty me, some o the comments are quality at the bottom
  9. Ive been looking into this for our big higland day out (in the events section) and doesnt look good for Super Unleaded. Your probably going to have to go get some octane booster to mix with the normal unleaded! Rich
  10. Aye it is, lol, how did you know? It was a bit o a random choice like, normally take photos elsewhere! [] My parents had a caravan and we used to go up there in the summer holidays for some strange reason. Glasgow to Findochty was never a fun journey pulling a caravan. Had plenty of good summers up there, not bad memory since its over 25 years since i was up there [] First time I was ever called a loon, thought the lady in the shop was taking the pi** so walked out the shop ina huff.[:$] Well I was only 11 ish. Quality min, Findochty...or finechty as us locals call it is a bit of a random place for a holiday like [H] Rich
  11. deleted post as it could have been seen as racist! I would not like to be banned from the SIDC forums over this! Peace and Love Rich
  12. Theyre 17's, from POTN.com good price but long wait for them, lots o phone calls te chase them up like! Thanks for the positive comments folks, I'm well happy with them. Rich
  13. Aye it is, lol, how did you know? It was a bit o a random choice like, normally take photos elsewhere! []
  14. £285ish plus £25 postage, wheels only, no tyres from POTN.com
  15. Thanks for the comments folks and cheers for the advice iain, I think I'll do that [H] Rich
  16. for my new wheels to come, how do they look? Rich
  17. 164 still seems low for a standard turbo One run I did last year was 233bhp at the fly and 193 at the wheels so thats a loss of 40bhp through the transmission. Standard 215 at the fly minus 40bhp losses would be 175 bhp at the wheels. All cars are different though, plus all rolling roads are different and the ambient temperature and so on and so on Rich
  18. poor wee loon doesnt know any better! []
  19. How is a MAF rescaled? Who can do it? Rich
  20. kenny have you had any trouble with the MAF sensor (with that air filter) or is it ok after a mapping session? Rich
  21. they are going about, theres a classic sport on a 51 near my hometown
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