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Double Zero

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Everything posted by Double Zero

  1. Thanks mate it was a long job but worth it,and after my run to Braemar on sunday i got rid of all the flies. Stevie
  2. Looks good mate i spent all day doing mine but i think i might try a polisher next time round [Y] Stevie
  3. I get a polish from my work that does the same job as tyre shine and it also does any black trim as well and it's free [Y] Stevie
  4. TBH mate it's the first time i've polished the car since i got it last year and probably won't do it again for a while,was worth it though,damn front end was covered in flies after my run up to Braemar on sunday. Stevie
  5. Cheers i need to buy an electric buff for the next time though[H] Stevie
  6. Spent 6hrs with a G3 rubbing compound then polished the whole car with MER i couldn't believe how much grime and tar came off the paint it looks and feels a lot better[H] Stevie
  7. Two lovely looking cars and a great location for a photo shoot,i took a run from Blairgowrie to Braemar today but i forgot to lift my camera,pity as it was a great day for taking pics. Stevie
  8. I'm up fir an over night stay i will have to rake oot the tent and get the barby on the go ,what you think lads a group barby and then some beers and a bit of music Stevie
  9. Saturday 2nd June Ally-b Sunday 3rd June RS Grant 4hero Corsa Sammot Jamis WRX Haz COLZO Playsatan Fai 17 and family imy CYP_rock Higgy Either Squirrel andywrx the blue dragon euan_r Gus Irish Al Nanaki Dtabbit77 James M Tosh 32 st3ph3n Double Zero Craig (CR51ALG)
  10. Welcome aboard m8 enjoy the banter[H] Stevie
  11. I would be up for this as me and the missus are off & i havent been on a run since Aviemore last year. Stevie
  12. Looks stunning mate what a great job &the morrettes are stunning,i have them on my WRX Newage. Stevie
  13. Thanks for the advise guys i will see if they have them at Ian Grieves as i am only 5 mins from them. Stevie
  14. What's the best type of plugs for my car it's a Nov 00 WRX Newage with no engine mods? Stevie
  15. Welcome aboard mate [Y] Stevie
  16. BTW Aaron i forgot to say b4 u type in the imm number keep the car door open i'm not sure why but it works anyway well so my bro inlaw told me and i've done it,mind dont park outside kwikfit and the other tescos in fawkirk or you will have the same problem. Stevie
  17. No probz Aaron glad to be of help m8 i've been there myself would have spoke a little longer but it wa s p...ssing down maybe see you around m8 at a central meet. Stevie
  18. Cheers Rich my thoughts exactly just helping a fellow member out,wish i was going on the highland the mora but i have to work[:'(] Stevie
  19. F..ckin gutted 4u m8 we all spend a lot of hard earned cash keeping our cars looking great,if i caught someone doing it to my scoob i would cut off his dangles and feed them to my dog ,hope you get it sorted. Stevie[8o|]
  20. As i parked my car in tesco's tonight i noticed a P1 with its hazards flashing and alarm going off and i noticed the occupent was frantically trying to get it started so i thought i should offer my assistance i tapped the window and asked what the problem was as i have had a similar problem in tesco's,he was typing in the imm number but couldn't get it going so i took him through the process to reset it and get him going after he got it started he was well chuffed,btw he is going on the highland run (Irish Al) i think thats who he was anyway glad to be of help Al & enjoy yirsel tomorrow i'm on early shift or i would be going[Y] Stevie
  21. Very nice car m8 i am not a great fan of white but yours looks absolutely stunning.[H] Stevie[Y]
  22. Thanx for that gus i have seen them on fleabay but i want to get them today if possible so i will head over to cairneyhill and see what he has available. Stevie[H]
  23. Is that the cusco kid? I will take a run over the mora as i am in fawkirk thnx 4 that scobbie_ecosse. Stevie
  24. Where is the best place to get rally style flaps for my newage wrx ? I've seen some on flea bay for 40quid but not sure if they are any good ,but on scoobynet they have some for 65 quid what one do you think are the best quality? Stevie
  25. Welcome aboard m8 enjoy the banter[au] Stevie 00wrx newage, morettes, sti exhaust, more mods if wallet allows
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