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Double Zero

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Posts posted by Double Zero

  1. Stevie,

    not wanting to rain on your parade or anything but there are already 'unofficial' stickers available:

    CLICKY for sticker thread - details on how to order bottom of PAGE 2

    Also, attendees to RallyDay at Castle Coombe are tying black ribbons to their wing mirrors as a mark of respect.

    I think that's a fab idea and will be getting some ribbon myself

    You should be able to get them at florists or fabrics/haberdashery shop (place that sells buttons and material)...

    format is solid black ribbon, 1 inch wide, 20 inches (500 mm) long, hooped around the drivers side wing mirror and secured at the base with a staple (same shape as the breast cancer ribbon)

    CLICKY for ribbon thread, see post 17 for picture


    Cheers Imy i was just wondering if we got enough interest we could get them made and put the money towards Santa Cruise,just a thought.


  2. Just thought i would post this to see what kind of interest it would get,maybe get it printed into stickers if anyone knows someone with a printshop.

    Its not the actual size but let me know what you think,or if anyone has another idea's,i think it would look nice on the car and would always remind us of the legend.




  3. Just filled up my car in Inverurie from empty right to the brim with the wrong petrol. Wife had my head full of slamming doors and i filled up with normal unleaded and not the 97 RON stuff I normaly use. On the way to Aberdeen car sudenly felt flat over 4000rpm. It dawned on me and after a check of my reciept confirmed i had chucked in the 95 ron stuff. I think it should be ok if i take it easy but do you have to do the ECU reset thingy like on my old MY00 Turbo when I go back to super unleaded.


    I would stick a bottle of octane booster in just to be on the safe side m8 ;)



    01 WRX

  4. Added myself to the "done a couple, more in the pipeline" one for now... should be a "got loads planned if the wife can be convinced or she'll kill me when I do it anyway" section though ;)

    Where do you see yourself on this list....

    What's a mod???

    1 -

    2 -

    3 -

    Not done any and never will

    1 -

    2 -

    3 -

    Done a couple but more in the pipeline

    1 - IainC

    2 -Double Zero

    3 -

    Going mod crazy at the mo, I can't help myself and the wife is going to kill me

    1 -

    2 -

    3 -

    I'm nearly finished, only tweaks from this point on

    1 - Playsatan2

    2 - Frank C

    3 -

    All done, this is just how I want it

    1 -

    2 -

    3 -

    Please note that you will not be held to your choice and you can move if things change.

    Added myself to the "done a couple, more in the pipeline" one for now... should be a "got loads planned if the wife can be convinced or she'll kill me when I do it anyway" section though

    This post has been edited by IainC: Today, 10:44 PM


  5. Stevie - I've also used Ian Grieve and found them to be great, but you could also try Hypertech in Bonnybridge.

    :D I've had work done by Hypertech and can't fault them as for Grieve's i've heard nothing but good report's ;)



    01 WRX

  6. In the last fifteen minute's i have had 4 power cut's all power to the house fail's for a few second's then come's on again,is anybody else having the same problems? :P

    That's five min's past and all seem's fine for now ;)


  7. the red impreza on the trailer going south was John Stevenson as we were up at golspie for a round of the scottish sprint championship at littleferry kart track

    The pic with the cattle that road looks familiar is it the road from Kyle over to Plockton?


  8. Got some already but cheers anyway........hang on........maybe i could somehow use them as mini roof intakes.....yeeeesss, brilliant idea ! Now, wheres that empty fairy liquid bottle..............

    Ok guys we've had some good hearted banter, but in all seriousness......what do you really think !!!!!!!!! :D

    ;) This rear end looks better than your car m8 with those light's,just my opinion though, as long as your happy :D


  9. Dissappointed in missing this one, first Gla meet i have missed in a long time.

    Started to leave at 1850 with the intention of heading to the BK at Hillington for some food and filling the car with gogo juice. Emptied the two marquees from my back seat, really need to find somewhere more permanent for these bleeding things, into my van along with my tent and other bits and bobs. Jumped in the car and proceeded to start it, being completely underused it is a ###### to start after sitting for a while (think the belt may be out 1 tooth but thats another whinge), it gave 2 lethargic turns and died on its erse.................... ;)

    So i had a hunt for my jump leads, time was now 1905 so still time to fire the thing up, fuel it and get to Hillington in time for departure. Think i gave my jump leads to someone on here but cant for the life remember who. Credit being non existant on the phone and the works phone being in the work, funnily enough, i could not seek assistance fromk the myriad of members gathered not 1 mile away, as the Seagull on crack flies and about 2.5 miles on tarmac. Time was now 1913 and the departure schedule was going a bit Pete Tong

    So i proceeded to thrash the living daylights out the car in a style Basil Fawly would have been proud so much so my old man, he does not like me to call him father, gave me a ticking off for the obscenities i was producing at high volume.

    I then hurt my back, being built like the gable end of a £5 note, humphing those bleeding 40kg plus Wendy bloody houses back out of my van, seriously get them ta **** before i burn them, and into the back of the Scoob

    Time was now 1923 and i retired upstairs defeated and hurt to roll one Bob Marley would have been proud of and chased some Germans around the Norisring for a couple of hours.

    Nanaki phoned at 1930 on the dot to enquire where the resident idiot was, i explained my situation, he tried to coax me, the Windows XP sign has just appeared so i held fast and politely refused

    GMac phoned at 1932 stating he could come over and jump me if required (Thanks mate but i really could not take up your offer as i was in the Premier League of being p1$$ed off)

    I forgot all about my troubles at approx 1938 as i :D the rest of the evening away chasing Germans around the Norisring.

    2102....took dog for pee out the back yard and the lady across the back decided to get ready for bed with the curtains open.

    2138....Apologised to my car and offered to buy it dinner at Peter's to make up for the beating

    Squirrel man you should be an author :D


  10. I know Glen Coe very well :lol: Crafts and Things is easily the best scran shop I've been to. Sometimes pop through there, from Dundee, for Sunday lunch. Looking a bit further afield this time though.

    Think you've talked me into it too Stevie! Might aim for Ullapool Sat night then go North on Sunday. Was intending camping, but might make use of a local hostelry, so'z I can have wee dram :D And a chippy tea!

    Cheers :D

    There is a good campsite in Ullapool just head along the main street and take a right just b4 the harbour then first left it looks out onto Loch Broom,but a word of warning if you decide to camp the midges are mental ;)



    01 WRX

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