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Everything posted by Nudge

  1. the only time youv'e had ya pointy finger up was when you were picking your nose...lol[]
  2. cheers granby,,,thanks for your assistance. will get it sorted as quick as i can. great fun for the first mile. biggest rush ive had with my trousers on
  3. [][]loads of sorry's to any individuals [:$]...who were held up by my poor silver classic going sick, i'm affraid i blew my clutch.[:$] i thought the gearbox had gone poof ........but it looks like the clutch.......most depressing day[] [] totally gutted[:'(][:'(] nice to meet you all though. next time things might go my way, oh and thanks to all who offered assistance Does anyone know where i can get one asap.
  4. Scuzz......thanks for the thanks, and thanks for thanking me for letting you thank someone.....eh. oh and why im at it.. ROAR thanks for letting scuzzie wash ya windies.....ha, ha, ha, ha,... IT SMELLS GOOOOOOOOOOOD[].....mmmmm toilet duck[]
  5. Now thats a good idea[:^)]....erm[:^)]....well....I'm going to be....er... busy on friday[:$], got to clean me wheels again[]....yea thats right, just forgot[].....oh well...never mind...LOL[]
  6. I can get you a job tony, only trouble is commuting. lol, Down this way they have trouble finding people, so they employ poles, we got them working for us, and across the road theres over 30 working.
  7. Time i met some of you nice people 1. Granby 2. J-K 3. mickyw 4. Pele 5. Loony Toon 6. Daniel 7. Pornodan 8. T123VOR 9. Scuzz 10. lush 11. White Warrior 12. Sheepie 13. Shiralee 14. Q-Dog 15. Nudge
  8. Mornin everyone. just thought i'd say hello Just got me Southwest Scoobie Sticker, soon having me scoob stickered up, so hopefully i'll be seeing some of you around. be safe....[]
  9. Now your just showin orf[]............and if you two are gonna start[:@]............i'm tellin mum, so there[]
  10. Gutted to hear about your scoob....glad the Evo came off worse, as long as your sound mate...
  11. sorry oh great man of wise wisdom[:$]
  12. hang on tony... if she's 40 that make me ..................................MAD
  13. we should do it more often, the dude's in the corsa want to come and play as well.
  14. i wouldn't mind seeing that, the driftwerk cars at japfest were sexy. put me down for half a pound
  15. Dun a good job there sis, the drive home for me weren't so good, i warped the front disc,[] gonna have to give it a skim tonite[] great weekend [][][] AND BONJOVI ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!
  16. welcome me ole luv, what you need to do is have bigger windows fitted, or take down the wall and park her in the living room. my missus thinks thats a bit too much, but what does she know []
  17. if your flashing the beer[] can i have some[] as well, lol
  18. Morning boys and girls of Kent...I was thinking, (as i been sitting outside my place of work cleaning the brake dust from me wheels, and de-bugging the front spoiler of dead and splattered creatures of our great country side)... how mild it is for this time of night, well dont you think ?, yea, yea, i know i'm sad,[] but i rekon we could be having a bit of a secret summer for a few days, it makes a change. i know i should be working, but hey! its not raining, and me wheels were dirty, and the british always talk about the weather anyway. so i just thought i'd wack a post on while its quite on ere.....hey-ho, Happy days.[]
  19. Gotta be done mick... mine gets done this weekend, i cant wait.[][]...me bruvers got his done same as yours, and yous two have the dogs danglies, [] they is awwwwwwwsome like that, turns heads like nothing else....
  20. alrite, so it wern't proper, give it a week [][]
  21. how do Wayne.....see ya wen ya Mota's sorted.....[]
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