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sti pretender

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Posts posted by sti pretender

  1. Full Subaru Service History, regular oil changes and preferably owned by Scooby enthusiast. Will always may a difference when someone know how the car should be treated and looked after.

    Body warranty checks are also something you might want to check were done.

    If you see one you like ask about it on the forum its amazing some peoples knowledge of previously owned cars.

  2. Glasgow Pram Centre has a great range of seats and have found the are very reasonable priced. Also Mamas and Papas is worth a look at Glasgow Fort. Currently have two M&P's seats in the Scoob not Isofix but very secure when fitted and kids seem happy. Kids are 17 months and 3 1/2 years.

  3. Had a Sport before I got the STI. Great car, great road holding, special edition so looked the part but after about 8 months wished I'd got a turbo. After 18 months changed to the STI no regrets.

    Also resale of Sport is harder as most people want the performance of a turbo.

  4. The Insurance companies have a national database it flags up any double insured cars as it could be a way of making double your money.

    Best way would be insuring a scrap car that will never go back on the road. Might have a car you could use was a 1962 mini I had 15 years ago. Was that past it cut it up and sold it to scrap metal yard never told DVLA (oops) think I still have the V5 (will check). DVLA also use the database so a SORN would stop them hounding you for road tax.

    Will check and PM you.

  5. Halley's don't know much about Subaru's either. (Couldn't identify a worn clutch a common problem with a Scooby at 60K - was told there was nothing much they could do. I check the FAQ's and it said worn clutch. Described the problem to S&S and they told me it was the clutch there and then.)

    Eaglesham Garage are an approved service garage and have a good rep.

    S&S in Ayr are a dealer, 10% discount and good rep. (Though Billyboy would probably disagree)

  6. I started a thread a couple of months ago on this subject. Majority used Millers 10/40w for general running but for cars used frequently for track and events it was 10/60w. Opinion varies, Oilman gave some good advice though. Think it depends on what you are running and what the car is used for.

  7. One of the resaon I think radios were being discussed was that all parties would be able to hear instead of lots of phones calls one-to-one.

    Also they would work if cars were in groups lead car and last car could keep in contact.

    Also another group would probably never be more than 3-4miles away so a radio with a 12mile range may be ok.

    Good point re: the handsfree. Think you can get earpieces so might be like mobile phones.

  8. A few people have mentioned using two way radios for next years events. The big run in March isn't far away if you think about it, and once the regional meets are out the way in January we only have 2 months.

    Thought a bit of discussion at this point might be good to get the ideas flowing.

    Some good deals on Ebay that have 12mile range looking at £15-£20 per radio (with batteries and adaptors)

    Other questions:

    Do each region have a set of their own(held by the RO) or do we have a centralised stock?

    How do we pay for them?

    How many?

    Is it worth leeting members get individual radios?

    Setting clear rules for use on runs so the airwaves don't get jammed with chit chat?

    Hope this gets a few people thinking and will help in the smooth running of future events.

    Lets make Scottish Scoobies the best we can be.

  9. Nice one.

    Didn't know there were two Asdas in Bishopbriggs. Guess who chose the wrong one?

    You are not alone 3 of us sat in the other Asda carpark from 11. Decided at 11.45 it must be the other one and just managed to catch the others as they left.

    I think map co-ordinates for meeting points would help then we can check sites like multimap to be sure.

    There's always next year.

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