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Everything posted by wagonwheels

  1. I had my own valet business for 4 years and worked for 5 years before that as a valeter .Having been to the autosmart and autoglym courses and used many different polishes over the years i still say the a product called Diamond brite is the best.I put six coats on my 1981 AUDI QUATTRO five years ago and its been left come rain and shine ever since without being washed( meant to be rebuilding it) and was power washed the other day.The mould and years of bird crap came straight off with only minimal paint fading! I do know that your paint will not have lead in it and will be water based so it will need alot of tlc .If you cant get it then try SILVERSEAL .It can be bought with a warranty against bird lime damage for 1 year per application and is alot cheaper but not as good.There are very strong chemicals in the red berries that birds seem to eat this time of year too.Good luck
  2. Ill do you a deal with my scoob.If you can stretch to £3500 then you can take it away.300bhp+ reliable uk car with fsh and they are alot cheaper to insure [] Details are in" for sale/wanted " section. under 300bhp wagon. Need cash for impending house move [:'(]
  3. Perth Powder Coating ; 01738583270, mob .07850885498 ask for brian. He will weld it without having to paint wheel if its on the inside edge and is very reasonable,I had 17" with two cracks in the one wheel .
  4. my 94 UK wagon Pipercross induction kit Full decat Miltek exhaust Superchip running 1-1.2 bar Boost gauge Lightened and ballanced tailgate (rust [] ) Quick shift linkage Not bad figures considering []
  5. [:'(] Went for a wee drive last night and when i pulled up powersteering was making a racket.Topped fluid up now but still squealing and forcing fluid out of resevoir!! Do the pumps just give up or could it be something else.How much would i expect to pay cos i need it fixed for the fife run...help! []
  6. [] ok,well probably see you at dastek then work permiting see what the black beastie will kick out []
  7. Sorry to get things wrong ref the mid section,quite new to these things.Thought you had a cat on the mid section like me.Not a problem to refund if you cant use it....me bad []
  8. daft enough to go buy one like your new neighbour did you mean lol [] if your going to change it let me know.Its the chip that causes my fuel issues,would take it out but cant have you imports beating me []
  9. All that boost!! dont know what you mean,its a standard uk wagon with 208bhp [] Had a play with irish al and graham on the way home.It may be crap in the corners but it still gave al a fright on the motorway ,unless he was toying with me[] Once i get another coil i can run some BIG boost hopefully in time for dastek.Hope you get your rad fixed soon,and as graham said yours sounded great....if you fancy a quieter exhaust then ill swap []
  10. Sent away coupons to kelloggs for mine [] ten years ago.Had one lesson before my test cos i had a chariot to practice on.Had to give licence back for a while cos i thought the more points the better.Got it back now but still like collecting those points[] 10 years NCD only saving grace.
  11. Number 6 was a pain because you can see its a creation of the evil bmw empire but it took ages to recognise it on the site.same with 21. 7 is a rare one but 15!! saxo surely.Dont want to spoil the fun for the others so wont cont. []
  12. Got 49/50.Couldnt get the lancia one.Its an integrale evolution but it seems to think otherwise.Good fun [] p.s how do you cheat?
  13. I have yes. you think it could be breakin up? was going to get a decat soon anyway.Cant be bits of turbo spool could it because of the cat.
  14. Wonder if i get your opinions on the following problem.Was driving on the motorway the other night (not quickly) when the car spluttered for a second the a black cloud came out the exhaust [] the car went fine for the rest of the journey and i thought nothing of it,then last night went out for a quick spin and i could hear what i can only describe as stones in the exhaust! the car as parked round the back of my house in a drive so doubt it is someone putting something in it and it started happening halfway through my trip?Car doesnt feel as quick although its still boosting.any ideas.[]
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