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Window Tint Removal

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Most tints are only stuck on with water so should pull off once you get them started. If on the back window with heater wires i would maybe use a hair dryer as not to pull tem too bits ;)

;) all you're usually left with is a sticky residue but some glue and tar remover sorts that out

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I removed mine by hairdryer/heat gun..

It easy to do..

Make sure you warm up the glass, ideally leave it in teh sub if you can find any..

Then gently warm up a section about the size of your hand and start peeling away with your finger, try not to use any sharp instruments incase you scratch the glass. Take it one section at a time.. it probably wont come off in a oner and may tear as you go along but don't worry. Just repear the warming process with hairdryer and keep at it.. Be patient with it and dont pull/tug at it too hard :whistle: , as you risk flexing the glass (since there's no door frame) and breaking it! but if you peel back on itself it shoudl be fine just keep an eye on it. If it feels 'stiff' warm the film up a little and continue..

As for residue, there shouldn't be much left, but gentle cleaning with surface cleaner or WD40 as suggested above will soon remove it..

took me an hour roughtly to do both front side windows but was easy enough to do..

as suggested above, for the rear window try stickign the rear heater on a for a while to warm it up from between the glass and the film ;)

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Thanks for all the replies, folks - ScoUK in particular for all the detailed advice ;)

Just one question: The tints that you guys have removed, had they been 'professionally' applied?

The reason I ask is that when I first bought the car, the tints having been applied before I bought it, I had a wee try at removing a wee corner of the rear windscreen film. Even after minutes of exposure to the heat from the hair dryer, it hardly budged at all..... only got the corner back by about a couple of mm, then decided it'd be better to leave them alone! :whistle:

I dunno... the film seemed very hard and very reluctant to come off. Nothing like removing a window sticker.

Any opinions are more than welcome - just don't want to make an erse of it!

Cheers again ;)

P.S. Regarding residue, I have some label remover in an aerosol, which usually does a good job of breaking down adhesives.

Edited by Mystery Machine
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Thanks for all the replies, folks - ScoUK in particular for all the detailed advice ;)

your welcome! ;)

Just one question: The tints that you guys have removed, had they been 'professionally' applied?

Cant say for sure as mine were on the car when I got it and it looks like a pro job.. I've worked in the signwriting business in the past, so have had experience with vinyls and also applying window films to windows in homes and businesses (not cars strangely), need a shed load of patience in order to do a perfect job!

It did take be an hour to remove both sides and it did come off in bits. It was no way as quick as removing vinyl.. The window film is super sitcky stuff without being sticky and as mentioned above it's applied wet to a very clean surface which makes it stick to a very clean flat surface but without loads of gluey stuff. Becomes more clingy than sticky, but once it's on, it's on semi-permanently.. No use if it bubbles everytime the sun came out or peeled off when you put the windows down..

But yeah as a couple others have mentioned if your not comfortable removing it yourself give someone local a call that can experience with removing the stuff.

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When i first got my scoob I didnt like the windows being so dark so went to a tint company to see about getting them removed.

He qouted me nearly £200 and said the rear windows can be very difficult to remove and would probably damage the heater elements. If i was that desperate his recommendation was to 'accidently' smash the back window and claim a new one off insurance!

I didnt bother!

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I had the front drops on my WRX removed when I got them. They had been fitted by Pentagon Glasgow (by the dealer from new - even though illegal) and I had them removed (and replaced with clear anti-smash film) by Pentagon Stirling.

Was a few years ago so can't remember how much - but maybe around £150, including the new film but that was 7 years ago!

Brian ;)

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