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I've been de-tangoed

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Gus arrives in his pink car ! ...and he has the nerve to take the p*ss out of me for wearing a pink polo shirt ..




Wife brought us out some coffee and ginger cake, after our small feast we decided to get stuck in.


First thing is to remove front grill and headlights




Very straight forward, just need to remember the bottom screw before trying to remove your headlights




Once the headlights are out we need to break the seal, first remove all the screws from around the edge, (8).


To break the seal you need heat, you can either use the oven, heat gun or hairdryer as we did, we felt it was a lot safer to use a hairdryer (do not own a heat gun).




Once the seal is heated up, start to try and prize the unit apart






Once unit is apart enough, slide your hand in and unclip the orange triangle




And hey presto, you have been DE-TANGOED




Now its a matter of heating the seal back up again to get the mastic nice and sticky, push the unit together, and replace all (8) screws.


To ensure a good seal, run some new mastic around the seal, you are better to use the clear mastic, i dinna have any so used white (will paint black when it dries)




Now its just a matter of putting your lights and grill back on the car.


One very satisfied chappy !








And to finish off, de-tango the back, just replace ur bulbs




Many thanks to Gus, as u can see he was the one that done most of the work ! cheers bud


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Looks great definately sharpens the front of the car up, might try it myself one day....................

I'm sure the master would be happy to help you out..........................CRAIG!!!!!! theres a detango required[:)][:)]

If you do fancy doing it I'm sure I could give you a hand.


That would be great, I am a pen pusher by trade - taking things apart and rebuilding them usually ends in tears for me!

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