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Abingdon Country & Airshow

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Well what can i say?

for everyone that turned up i thank for such a great day, the show turned out to be so much better than even i expected, in fact it turned out that good that half hour before we all went i was offered the same spot for next year result, the weather turned out for us far enough we had a load of rain but it was still nice and warm, also it was great to see the famous Mustang plain flying about and what a noise that thing makes WoW....

garry & mat thanks for the last minute payments the organiser was chuffed that all payments were given in as some clubs try to blag the payments, well done to leigh for providing the kids with a snack room...ledgend, David & Chrissie im so plesed you took advantage of the pleasure flights and the tank rides it definatly a great experiance.

I feels the stand looked great and everyone made the effort to get the cars clean after the mucky roads and dirty rain drops had dulled there looks so cheers all.

once again thank you to everyone that made it a great day, i will keep you all up to date on how much was raised and if there will be enough funds for the event to go ahead next year.

all my pics, and of the stand are at the end lol.











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Nice pics Craigy - just picked us out a few of the best ones then? :D

Good to know that you came out tops with the organisers - it's easy for us to have an idea of how we did, but to get an invite back like that must show that we were appreciated and trusted - down to your hard work fella :D

Sorry little Leo got caught by the sun - where's the piccies!!

Top marks to "the Bucks crèche" - every time I passed by or popped in, the youngsters seemed to be having nearly as much fun as the adults who were entertaining them. :P

Cheers, David & Chrissy

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Just wanted to add my thanks - It was good to see all again - but as this was a different show to the normal - our kids loved it so too :)

Well they always love the car shows - But seeing all the planes / cars / Tanks / Trains etc etc etc ... was differnet for them as well :P

So Thanks again to all .

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Hi Guys sorry I havent been on here saying what a cracking day it was, have been ill :P

What a cracking day it was, all of us had a great day and as already been mention it was a change from your usual car show :D

here are a few of my pics

Well the Oxon crew cleaning my car lol........ love it












And we cant forget 5 day old Gilbert :D who was disowned by his mum because he was the smallest! and one of quads!!! not bad being the runt as he will be saved from being dished up on the sunday dinner plate, apparently he will grow up and father loads of Lambs!! what a life huh :)


Cheers Craigy

Kaz & Co


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