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Sunday 25th Oxon Meet

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hello all

it seems i havent seen people in ages due to the shows dieing off for another season so looking forward to next year now.

how the devil are you all???

right for our next meet we are going to change the location im not 100% sure where but im going to have a look around tomoz to see where is good for food so if you could bare with me i will get it posted up as soon as i have found a decent food gaff

if you are definatly free on this date and want to put yer name down then please do, i would love to see you all , many thanks


1. craigy

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hello all

it seems i havent seen people in ages due to the shows dieing off for another season so looking forward to next year now.

how the devil are you all???

right for our next meet we are going to change the location im not 100% sure where but im going to have a look around tomoz to see where is good for food so if you could bare with me i will get it posted up as soon as i have found a decent food gaff

if you are definatly free on this date and want to put yer name down then please do, i would love to see you all , many thanks


1. craigy

2. Bockett+Mrs Bockett

Gimmie a bell regarding a location sure we can come up with something, check a few places out

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ok benny boy,

as we were saying mate i have decided to give the longwall a bash, im popping up there tommorrow to have a chat to them, but hopefully all will be tip top.

for those of you not to sure where the longwall is its near the cowley BMW works i shall get he post code tomoz then put it up

hope you can all come along



1. craigy

2. Bockett+Mrs Bockett

Edited by craigy
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ok benny boy,

as we were saying mate i have decided to give the longwall a bash, im popping up there tommorrow to have a chat to them, but hopefully all will be tip top.

for those of you not to sure where the longwall is its near the cowley BMW works i shall get he post code tomoz then put it up

hope you can all come along



1. craigy

2. Bockett+Mrs Bockett

3. giboman

4. jkscoob

Edited by giboman
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would you look at that.

cheers dave spot on mate, are you and the loverly chrissy joing us for this one???

is say we meet up there at 11:45 so to park as a group then mayby head in for grub at 12:15 how does that sound???

cheers all get yer names down NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol


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