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Glasgow Area June Meet/BBQ report + pics

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Just back from a great evening .

26 cars met at our usual place and headed off for a bbq .

The weather looked like it might have turned nasty but once we arrived at our destination it brightened up a bit and stayed dry.

The standard and variety of cars that were there tonight was outstanding and a fine example of what the club is all about.

It was also nice to see partners and kids there tonight too as this months meet was intended more of a 'social' event than just a 'run'.

I hope that the 'new' members who were there also enjoyed themselves - thanks for coming along and we look forward to seeing you again at future meets.

I can't wait to see some of the pics from tonight [:D]I'll post mine shortly .


Ps The smell of the food attracted the haggis from the hills and before we knew it they were all over the cars [:D]


Absolutely first class evening Ally. The scenery up there is truly breathtaking. The yearly BBQ is really a great thing and the Glasgow region just gets better all the time. Nicola enjoyed herself too.

I hope my car wasn't too quiet [:D]


The 'Haggis hunt' .  .  .  . 

"No Squirrel , thats not a haggis " [:D]


The search continued ...


The first pair spotted - sniffing about Imys bag


Then they were everywhere [:D]









Got 'im [:(]



Disclaimer: No haggis were harmed in the making of the meet/run/bbq [:(]


What a great night and the run up to the bbq was excellent,weather looked a bit iffy on the way up but it soon cleared,good too meet some new people and i will defo be going again,thanks to colin for the burger it was worth the wait.[Y]




01 WRX


The 'Haggis hunt' .  .  .  . 

"No Squirrel , thats not a haggis " [:D]


i know wot that is!! [:(]
























its a cow [:D


no much happin there boss


no probs can sort that out


ah need just a little  something more


our bangers run on 100% meth


aye it was a good night.

was a bit iffy whether the rain will go away when we arrived but it held off and the barbies got fired up. 

the scenery was stunning and there was an eerie moment when the mist rolled in and hid the lower part of the mountain - but it seemed to lift when st3ph3n revved his car.

everyone brought plenty of food (eh nanaki? [;)]) but seemed to forget tomato sauce!  Luckily we brought some with us and passed it around.

it was nice to see everyone talking to everyone else, I dont think there were people standing on their own...

Ally seemed to be having fun hunting the haggis and there was a classic moment when i said to him "why dont you check the exhausts of the cars?  I dont think they will find any in mine cos its isnt big enough!" and he was like "way ahead of you and yes, yours is big enough!" and showed me the picture LoL

heard a big bang, looked over and wasnt surprised to see Squirrel in the thick of things.  Knew immediately what was going on when I saw Jac and Jimser rolling about laughing, as I know they carry methanol. 

It was a stupid thing to do but at least no one got hurt and were standing back from the bbq.

Had a nice wee blat on the way home with jac and garyD (pleased that grant was driving tho) - finished off the night superbly.

will post pics tomorrow - out on sauce tonight so wont have time to transfer them from camera [D]


I think we named our haggis Jimmy and Jenny

edit - hope the ladies got their shoes and trousers dried ok - now you see why I said bring walking boots [8-|]


Can't believe I missed this one!  Finished up about half an hour too late to make it........gutted!

Anyway, looks as though you lot had a crackin' time.  Hopefully the next meet will still coincide with Haggi season! [;)]


I think we named our haggis Jimmy and Jenny

edit - hope the ladies got their shoes and trousers dried ok - now you see why I said bring walking boots [8-|]

Think the bottom of my jeans and shoes had absorbed every puddle i stood near! lol [;)] Defo will take cat boots next time!

Was a great turnout, me and gary had a really good night.

Gary also enjoyed the wee run home and had a practice start/launch for crail against jac near dumbarton. Was really funny havn't done something like that for years! [;)] [:)]



looks like it was a good night.just wished i had got my car a few weeks earlier.[:'(]

where you had the bbq is only about an hours drive from my hoose.when is there going to be another one?


hi folks,i couldnt be bothered sorting pics last night,had a goodnight,good banter,good burgers(cheers st3ph3n).Colzo, the boys said thanks for their burgers as well,methanol bangers,haggis hunting,scotch mist,midgies.....and a bright orange scoob......what more could you ask for on a thursday night,just a pity i had to go home early for the boys bedtime,steve(double zero) hope you found yer way back to Denny ok.[;)]

p.s i had to laugh at the Porsche driver cruising past twice at Hillington carpark.......think he was a bit jealous coz we've got a proper club and he hasn't.......hee..hee..heee!

anyway heres a few pics,some are decent but most are pants as my diddycam cant seem to take pics when the sun goes down......


































 thats yer lot.[:P]





Great run last night - unfortunately I got busted on the way home - 69mph on the M8 (3 lanes but 50mph limit!) - not making excuses my fault will take it on the chin - 3 points and £60 fine - that will teach me.  Didn't spoil the night though - great photos, next run I will be more careful!




Gutted Peco. Saw your car but didn't know what the score was. Didn't realise it was down at 50 for that stretch, or had they caught you further back?


Cheers Stephen - was caught further back - just before the slip road for Paisley.  Motorway goes from 70 to 50 to 60 and then back to 70 - my average speed was 69mph between the 50 and 60 stretch - couldn't argue with them.  As far as traffic cops go they were all right - just slightly smug!  Nice car they had - metallic sliver 5 series with all the markings and big flashing lights - don't know how I missed them - must have been all that smoke from the bbqs steamed up my contact lenses!

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