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T & A - RO position ?

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Ok folks its been about a year that i have been RO for Tayside and Angus and its went from about 3 at meets to sometimes double figures it has been a good year, but i don't really have the time now to give it my 100% commitment, so i think its time for someone else to have a shot at it, i will keep doing it until someone else fills the position. I'm not too sure how it will work, the members should decide. I am defiantly not in the huff i just don't have the time at the moment, i will still attend meets and $hat like that. [:o]

Any comments/suggestions welcome. Once the new RO is decided the powers from above will give the ok and that should be that.

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shame to hear you giving up your status jc but if you don't have the time then its a good choice. Think anyone who wants the position should put thier names down then let everyone vote on who they think is best for the job.

I will not be putting my name down as like yourself i could not commit with me working shifts.

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You have done a sterling job and is an asset to the club..

It's folk like yourself that makes newbies want to come to the friendly monthly meet and no doubt you will try your best to attend even tho priorities have changed.

Welldone and give yourself a pat in the back.


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Well done JC. You breathed life back into the T&A section.

In some ways I think changing the RO every year is a good idea as it brings in new ideas with the change. hopefully some enthusiastic member will be willing to take the position on. Probably best to have a chat with the members at the next meet and have a vote by pms



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Sorry to hear your stepping dowm m8..as a relative newbie, if it wasnt for you I probably would never of attended a meet. You made me feel welcome and i hope that we can find someone with your quality to fill you boots.

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As has been said already mate, you'll be missed as RO, you've turned it around here and we all appreciate that.


Please don't go[:'(]

maybe you've been listening to the smiths too much lately and just got a little depressed, it'll pass[{] 

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