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Traffic do it again!!!!!

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Seems a bit strong to me to be permanently removed from duty. He's been made a scapegoat in a face-saving exercise seeing that the cops are getting a bit of a time of it at the moment from disgruntled motorists. And what is all this about appearing in court for going over the limit by 8mph? And he still got points and a fine when he was thought to be on ligitimate police duty. Am I reading that right!?


i dont think they should be exempt from the basics of motoring but what welsho says has a point just last year a polisman was caught doing what 160 mph off duty and got away with a ban, then there was another story with similar circumstances as well but cant remember the details, now this poor guy gets brought to court for being 8 mph over the limit and removed of his duties? scapegoat too me thinks [:S]


I would have to echo 'most' of above.  While we do not (and should not) have any special dispensation for our actions off duty, on duty is definitely a different matter.  I can think of many occasions where I have literally raced to the scene of an incident but have subsequently been stood down prior to reaching the scene in question.  Examples of why I would drive quickly would include, a colleague on the wrong end of a violent incident, a serious or fatal accident having just been reported, any ongoing crime such as an assault, break-in, someone stealing your Scoob or even someone about to thrown themselves on the railway track or into the sea.  These are some but by no means a definitive list of calls that I would speed to with out hesitation but still have the wit to adhere to basic safety protocols, i.e. I would exceed the limit but not overtake on a blind bend (like those we often pursue), I would go through a red light but slow or even stop first to ensure it was clear.  Bottom line is when the proverbial hits the fan everyone, yes including you, expects a prompt response.  If I hesitated on occasions the difference could be literally life or death.  So, I certainly will not refrain from driving in a manner which gets me to the scene safely but in the least possible time.

So, this poor chap has indeed been scape goated, when would any traffic or other officer even give a look to a car 8mph over the limit?  Also to further qualify my points above, even in the last few weeks I have been asked to attend calls to RTC's where people were thought to have been seriously injured. However, other units arrived before me and advised all was ok, thereby the need for speed was no longer justified so I slowed down.  Had I not been required to assist and if it were that time I too could have gone to collect my piece from a Chinese takeaway.  Similarly, I was called to a house where a person was assaulting their spouse. There being an obvious risk of serious injury and possible endangerment to life, I didn't hold back.  However, nor did my colleagues and another car got their first and with the incident in hand I was no longer required.  I basically, did a u-turn and headed back the way I came.  I'm sure there were some puzzled drivers that wondered what was going on, seeing me going back having just passed them with all the lights, bells and whistles on.  Bottom line again - know your facts before shouting ya mouth off.  It's easy to approach a supervisor to check on someones actions and if no reasonable explanation can be found then you have a problem.  Oh, and before we have the 'not the Police investigating the Police' brigade on, I can assure you that this is no longer the era of 'Life on Mars' and with everyone living in a culture of accountability there's no question of the Senior Officers in those rolls taking any chances.  I'd rather be on the end of a criminal case with a solicitor and a punter to contend with then the 'rubber heelers' on my trail.

Bit of rant I know but there ya go - Scape Goat - know all ya facts first - I won't stop doing it.  Personally, I find the people who shout and critisise do tend to be the first on the phone demanding their call take precedence when they're on the receiving end.

The day something happens to you, your nearest and dearest or ya Scoob and I trundle up, amble oot the motor with me cap on at a jaunty angle and ask "fits a the fuss aboot" we'll see who's happy cos I'm even 1 minute late. 


A good, and I believe, an honest (to a certain degree) answer.

But realistically, the court found him guilty and he was disbanded from his status as as a traff cop.

Certain things must have been aired in court to result in a loss of job description and a downgrade.

I suppose re-itterating  (know your facts before committing anybody, whether a policeman or an individual)

Nowt against you Scoobydoom, your a main man on the site. 

How's Mrs ScoobyDoom now efter her fall oot the loft ?


result in a loss of job description and a downgrade.

How's Mrs ScoobyDoom now efter her fall oot the loft ?

Sorry but sore point there, many of us will be quick to state Traffic is not an upgraded job - it's nothing more than a sideways step and career choice.  This is also true of CID.  These departments serve individual functions that officers dealing with the everyday stuff do not have the time to devote themselves to fully.  Promotion to a higher rank is the only upgrade of your job and status.  Several years ago the Chief here decided to get rid of the white hats as it was helping those in the dept to view themselves as elitist. An unfortunate death of an on duty officer caused their reinstatement.  That said I drive a marked car on the same roads, where the yellow jacket but do not have the luxury of a white hat to protect me - double standards?   There is a certain mind set for those who wish to spend their entire shift clocking speeders, chasing cars with broken tail lights.  the perceived "I'd book me granny if I had to" attitude isn't too far off the mark with some.  Basically, it takes more than an interest in cars and ain't my choice.  Traffic could be viewed by some as a.... no not going there.

As for Mrs SD she's now had two ops and is recovering nicely, thanks for asking mate.


I'm surprised the camera was set at 48mph. Depends on the road layout etc. Even the guys I know from the road policing dept usually work on the speed limit + 10% + 10mph.

We tend to find that we'll get hammered more, as an example, than a civvie committing the same offence.

I certainly don't drive fast just because 'I can'....even though some cops do. I like to lead by example etc.

I reckon if the press hadn't got hold of the story, he wouldn't have been removed from the dept.


i didnt know you were polis as well? thats 3 now in here [H] still think the guy was hard done by TBH cant see why that guy last year got off with hitting 160 and this poor bloke gets the book thrown at him for being 8 MPH over


Thanks for putting the facts as i see them Scooby Doom and Richie Cross...

Our force has recently changed the " branding " of our traffic branch....It's now the roads policing unit.... as this apparently expresses the way the job is nowadays.

It's not all about traffic duties...More of a statistic collecting excercise as all forces are accountable to the public sector....

11 years ago when i started on the beat ( them were the days ) in Edinburgh city centre i got told that TJF'd....And it certainly is now[:)]

If i have the slightest of prangs in a motor i'm instantly taken off driving duties until the fact surrounding the said prang is looked ointo by a supervisory officer. The last time this happened ( wing mirror pinged off going to a call ) it was over 3 weeks before i was alowed to drive a panda again...They have got to be seen to do things as we are more accountable for our actions as we are public servants in the public eye and get made examples of..

There thats ma bit said on the matter....Just because i'm earlyshift[:'(]



i didnt know you were polis as well? thats 3 now in here [H] still think the guy was hard done by TBH cant see why that guy last year got off with hitting 160 and this poor bloke gets the book thrown at him for being 8 MPH over

I've been lying low, keeping quiet until I knew there were any more of 'us' on here! [:)] Especially as my username is.....well, my name!!!!

Like I said, I try to lead by example where some guys/girls zoom about because they think they can. If he was genuinely going to a call then it's a bit harsh....but what I would be doing would be contacting my control room with, 'Speed camera activation at.......' then it gets put on the incident etc.

If he wasn't responding to the call, well....if it was his beat, he should know where the cameras are!!!

Just a bit off topic.......now you know I'm plod.....I'm gutted that I can't come up today to meet Ron at Faslane because Helensburgh is my office!!!! 

mmmmm there's a thought...Maybe not.

Tis good that there are a few of us from various forces that can assist with any advice...[;)]

Just have to be careful what ya post as it's not always easy to convince the motoring community that you're entirely onside - there will always be the sceptic believing anything you post is a conspiracy [:#].  That said I leave most 'advice' for those who ask or obviously need it but haven't asked and mainly via PM now to avoid the Devil's Advocates.


mmmmm there's a thought...Maybe not.

Tis good that there are a few of us from various forces that can assist with any advice...[;)]

Just have to be careful what ya post as it's not always easy to convince the motoring community that you're entirely onside - there will always be the sceptic believing anything you post is a conspiracy [:#].  That said I leave most 'advice' for those who ask or obviously need it but haven't asked and mainly via PM now to avoid the Devil's Advocates.


i dont believe a word of that,


sceptic mark[:D

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