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Oxon Monthly Meet May 20th @ Cutterslow Park

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Hi Jaq

 glad your all coming, maybe get some more of your area up as well more the merrier [;)]



trying my hardest to drum up support for this! we already have monki p1 and i ahve mentioned this to others as well as putting a thread up in our section, why not see if there are anyone staying over on sat night after japfest who would like to join us.

Debbie and paul N usually stay over as does mean and green


More the Merrier. FAO KAZ, would it be worth knowing how many cars we might have.

 Also i may have a contact in the council who might be able to give us the overflow key and open that to all of us.

it would all be legit of course, but don't hold me to it until i've asked



yeh must sound like a right dodgy geezer what with money off skating now possibly this ,lol


[;)] The word is useful not dodgy.

I've just got off the phone and it will be discussed tomorrow so hopefully tomorrow or Tuesday i'll have an answer.

 If i unsucessful as its only up the road from me i may go up there sometime possibly Friday as im off and speak with the groundsman and ask nicely.

Surely its better for them if we're all tucked out the way in one place?

obviously we'd need to allow others the use too once were all in. Great oppertunity for pics too


failing that mate we could always use the top car park, entering just after the speed camera as this car park is 4 times as big, so if you are popping up there ask for that area too???



Yeh im deffinatly looking forward to this. I will be on my pleb as i havent met any one yet but ice skating should be a very good laugh if thats the plan.



ok so here we have it



  1. SHESCOOBY & DAVE & kiddies
  2. craigy & co ( kiss chase as a game??) 
  3. Ben & Emma (Possibly Dave)
  4. Leigh & sarah
  5. wimpy & gang
  6. SISUBARU & ali
  7. Dave T
  8. Racing Snake
  9. MonkiP1
  10. MrH (possibly the bro tooo)
  11. s.p/edmondo & MUM! - I'll bring the birthday cake! blow up Limbo stick!

bringing ???  food plus games

  1.  SP = GAME blow up limbo stick
  2.  mr h = bucket load or burgers + suasages
  3.  craigy = loadsa cans of drink + a few burgers rolls. GAME remote controll scoob


hmmm ok will bring the remote control scoob and Lotus Exige lol


How about a rounders bat anyone??? and some tennis balls

I know Craigy will bring a Footie lol




im a lazy f@£$er so ive only read the 1st page of this thread but i
will bring my gas bbq if you need it(im quite good at them someone once
said lol)


laters james 



SHESCOOBY & DAVE & kiddies

craigy & co ( kiss chase as a game??) 

Ben & Emma (Possibly Dave)

Leigh & sarah

wimpy & gang


Dave T

Racing Snake


MrH (possibly the bro tooo)

s.p/edmondo & MUM! - I'll bring the birthday cake! blow up Limbo stick!

BigFoot Jim + Gas BBQ

bringing ???  food plus games

 SP = GAME blow up limbo stick

 mr h = bucket load or burgers + suasages

 craigy = loadsa cans of drink + a few burgers rolls. GAME remote controll scoob

 Bigfootjim - Gas BBQ

SHESCOOBY - Rolls and some Munchies,,, remote Lotus exige & Scoob

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