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Lothians Santa Cruise UPDATED Please add name, Stickers avail

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Spooks, I have cash here from donations in the last week towards the final pressies.

Sorry for posting up about TV/DVD combo I had it in my mind that you had already discussed this with the hospital. All the fun n excitement of buying aw they pressies. Oooops!

Also, one of the pressies (big Scooby Doo) is burst so, will need to go back :-(

let me know if you want to meet and get the final bits n pieces and item exchanged.





2 x Side Window Stickers = Gus

2 x Side Window Stickers = Oobster

2 x Side Window Stickers = Dougie C

2 x Side Window Stickers = WRXMANIA

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = 4hero

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Neofox

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = STi Bandit

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Irish Al

1 x Rear Window Sticker = scoobyiain


1. Spooks and Rose

2. Imy and Grant

3. Billyboy

4. scoobyiain + other half

5. Andy & Dawn

6. STi_Bandit (Scooby Outfit if Required lol ) + April

7. Gus

8. Irish Al & Lyndsey

Will give you the money for the stickers on Sunday it that's ok.




2 x Side Window Stickers = Gus

2 x Side Window Stickers = Oobster

2 x Side Window Stickers = Dougie C

2 x Side Window Stickers = WRXMANIA

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = 4hero

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Neofox

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = STi Bandit

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Irish Al

1 x Rear Window Sticker = scoobyiain


1. Spooks and Rose

2. Imy and Grant

3. Billyboy

4. scoobyiain + other half

5. Andy & Dawn

6. STi_Bandit (Scooby Outfit if Required lol ) + April

7. Gus

8. Irish Al & Lyndsey

9. Neofox


2 x Side Window Stickers = Gus

2 x Side Window Stickers = Oobster

2 x Side Window Stickers = Dougie C

2 x Side Window Stickers = WRXMANIA

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = 4hero

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Neofox

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = STi Bandit

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Irish Al

1 x Rear Window Sticker = scoobyiain


1. Spooks and Rose

2. Imy and Grant

3. Billyboy

4. scoobyiain + other half

5. Andy & Dawn

6. STi_Bandit (Scooby Outfit if Required lol ) + April

7. Gus

8. Irish Al & Lyndsey

9. Neofox


2 x Side Window Stickers = Gus

2 x Side Window Stickers = Oobster

2 x Side Window Stickers = Dougie C

2 x Side Window Stickers = WRXMANIA

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = 4hero

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Neofox

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = STi Bandit

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Irish Al

1 x Rear Window Sticker = scoobyiain


1. Spooks and Rose

2. Imy and Grant

3. Billyboy

4. scoobyiain + other half

5. Andy & Dawn

6. STi_Bandit (Scooby Outfit if Required lol ) + April

7. Gus

8. Irish Al & Lyndsey

9. Neofox


11. Sc00bar00.

See you all there [:D] just back from the Glasgow Cruise which was superb, not even the weather could dampen the spirits.

Would like to say a big thank you to all who attended and entered into the spirit of the day [:D] [Y]



2 x Side Window Stickers = Gus

2 x Side Window Stickers = Oobster

2 x Side Window Stickers = WRXMANIA

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = 4hero

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Neofox

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = STi Bandit

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Irish Al

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = uRaBu5

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Dougie C

1 x Rear Window Sticker = scoobyiain


1. Spooks and Rose

2. Imy and Grant

3. Billyboy

4. scoobyiain + other half

5. Andy & Dawn

6. STi_Bandit (Scooby Outfit if Required lol ) + April

7. Gus

8. Irish Al & Lyndsey

9. Neofox


11. Sc00bar00

12. Dougie C

13. uRaBu5?



Do I still have time to put in an order for a sticker?

I'm going to try and make it along to the meet on Thursday, so can give you the money for it then hopefully


2 x Side Window Stickers = Gus

2 x Side Window Stickers = Oobster

2 x Side Window Stickers = WRXMANIA

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = 4hero

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Neofox

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = STi Bandit

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Irish Al

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = uRaBu5

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Dougie C

1 x Rear Window Sticker = scoobyiain

1 x Rear Window Sticker = Fee



1. Spooks and Rose

2. Imy and Grant

3. Billyboy

4. scoobyiain + other half

5. Andy & Dawn

6. STi_Bandit (Scooby Outfit if Required lol ) + April

7. Gus

8. Irish Al & Lyndsey

9. Neofox


11. Sc00bar00

12. Dougie C

13. uRaBu5?

14. Fee & Adam - he's going to be home for one of the SIDC events! he's not made up!


Sticker Order:

2 x Side Window Stickers = Gus
2 x Side Window Stickers = Oobster
2 x Side Window Stickers = WRXMANIA

2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = 4hero
2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Neofox
2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = STi Bandit
2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Irish Al
2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = uRaBu5
2x Side Window Stickers + 1 Rear Window = Dougie C

1 x Rear Window Sticker = scoobyiain
1 x Rear Window Sticker = Fee


01. Spooks and Rose
02. Imy and Grant
03. Billyboy
04. scoobyiain + other half
05. Andy & Dawn
06. STi_Bandit (Scooby Outfit if Required lol ) + April
07. Gus
08. Irish Al & Lyndsey
09. Neofox
11. Sc00bar00
12. Dougie C
13. uRaBu5?
14. Fee & Adam - he's going to be home for one of the SIDC events! he's not made up!
15. 4hero


Will be mailing the final list of Stickers this eve so final count is 16 sides and 7 rears.

Final details of meeting point to be made at the Thursday meet.



Meant to say , we are now looking for a willing Santi Claus. Due to some unforseen events our santa is now unable to make it.

Please an elf needs YOU!

Meant to say , we are now looking for a willing Santi Claus. Due to some unforseen events our santa is now unable to make it.

Please an elf needs YOU!

what do ya have to do as santa and no smart arse remarks plz


Just have to dress up as Santa and hand out some pressies to the kids.

I done it last year, but with my wife and daughter just got home from hosp yesterday, so i just dont have the time this year i'm afraid.

It's worth it just for the smiles on the kids faces.


you also need a good

temparament/nature to be Santa.  You will be one of the key people

kids will recognise so some friendly christmas cheer"ho ho ho" is needed

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