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Wedding Anniversay Ideas


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I have left it a bit late this year as its next Saturday and im off out out for the day on my own as well[:S]

Anyone got any ideas on what to get the missus for a present?

She had an Ipod last year and a 182 Clio for Valentines, but Im hoping to down-size from that that one this year [:$]


Nothing smutty - Granby and Trevor!  - nono2.gif


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There is a goprgeous place called the 'Who'd a thought it'...just the other side of Maidstone right out in the sticks..

They have a room with a huge jacuzzi bath (with mirrors surrounding!) and a lovely French resturant!..not in the room!

Take her there, have some flowers waiting in the room and BOTH of you enjoy your anniversary together!!

Happy Anniversary for next week!![:D]

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