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Stuart one of the sales team at Subaru John R Weir Perth has just been on the phone telling me Colin. Alistair and Jimmy Mcrae will all be attending Sportsters in Perth for a Subaru arranged party where we will all get a chance of meeting our hero's. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

John R Weir will also be bringing some of there brand new STI's , WRX's and giving everybody a quick glance of a new Subaru, which is not due to be shown for another few months. AWD Motorsport will also have cars on display and staff probably will be found at the bar area, if anybody wants to join. lol

Think this would be a good opportunity for some of us to get together for a run then perhaps meet back at Sportsters for a bite to eat. There is also a competition for all who attend with the chance to win a Subaru off road 2 day challenge, which John R Weir Subaru has donated.

The party starts at about 1400hrs and goes on all night. If I get more info I will post it up.


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Has anyone got any more information on this event? Is it an 'open door' or do you need an invite / tickets?

Obviuosly the McRae family must be heading down to Perth for this after the Rally.

Anyone else thinking of taking in a stage of the Rally & then heading back to Perth for this?


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As far as I know it is 'open' door, anybody can come in as its a pub.

Me and Pugpaul are heading to the Craigvinean stage at dunkeld for the first few cars then going upto Errochty after that for stage 4.

Will prob pop into Perth for a wee look after, could meet up with you Den if you want.



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