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Rodents bottoms!

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Due to some adorably cute and fluffy person parking right outside my garage, on my land, I had to do a 5 point turn to get the scoob in the garage and have managed to scuff my wheel badly, to metal , over approx, 2-3 square inches in total. Wheels have been repainted to match colour of car, so imagine this is not gonna be cheap.


1) ringing police and having the car towed for trespass (but its sat they will be 2 busy)

2) taking equal amount of damage out on the offending trespassing car

3) cant think of any other option, other than making there lives hell, cos not feeling sweet and kind right now!

Have contented my self with nasty letter left on car for now as the owner isnt answering door, currently cant think of any real reason to calm down, guess it will all be better in the morning!

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That's bad news[:@].Damned inconsiderate ba***rds. A group of us came out of the pub once and had been blocked in, tried to find the owner of the car but no luck so decided to move it ourselves. Couple of us got round the back and bumped the car out the way. Unfortunately, the suspension which obviously wasn't used to that amount of travel, dropped out and refused to go back down, leaving the offending vehicle in a nose dive position. We left. Quickly.

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If its your land, then make a clamping sign up, put it in a place you cannot miss seeing it and then clamp there car !!!

Then all you do is charge a really high release fee ( which will pay for your wheel to be fixed ) [:D]

Oh and this is totally legal because its private property and there is no laws to govern wheel clampers as of yet.  [:D]

Worked for a mate of mine [Y]

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If its your land, then make a clamping sign up, put it in a place you cannot miss seeing it and then clamp there car !!!

Then all you do is charge a really high release fee ( which will pay for your wheel to be fixed ) [:D]

Oh and this is totally legal because its private property and there is no laws to govern wheel clampers as of yet.  [;)]

Worked for a mate of mine [Y]


More info please, can you ask your mate how to go about it, cant find anything about how i clamp them and do it properly?

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