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Anyone know who this muppet is?

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I really hate him and he's wound me right up now. [:@]

Comes from Maidstone, I think.


He's on SNET as a regular....rides a bike also i think??? Dont know him personally tho...


What's happened Andy....spill the beans..




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Just read those links, seems to be a little heated and I've come away feeling a bit anti bike[:)]. Will feel better in the morning, have seen some kick out at passing cars, dont want a dent in the scoob. May make a point of moving over for them tomorrow.

Think I'll stick to these forums, seem friendlier[:D]

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C*CK is the only word that springs to mind

that forum appears to have more than its fair share of twats only to quick to take the p!ss out of genuine people and ruin a good debate by dragging it to the gutter and adding personal insults [:)]

I think i will stick to the debates on here, they may get heated but at least they dont get personal

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The guy has a real chip on his shoulder and always ends up insulting/threatening people, rather than have a balanced argument. Reminds me of a schoolboy bully. [8-|]

Well, I don't like bullies.


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