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persisting problem !

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right i had a prob the other day and you guys correctly diagnosed a maf fault cheers !!

today the problem is back the power is surging if you know what i mean ?? when you floor it its like im rolling the power on and off but i'm not ??

i dont think its the maf this time as the car is now idling properly !

any ideas folks ?? this is starting to worry me



Could be a few things. Do you have a boost gauge and is the boost stable? It's quite common to fry the lamda sensor when the maf goes. Have you done an ecu reset to see if it throws up a cel?


Have you replaced the MAF yet?

My car is doing the same thing boost comes on and off, apart from that it drives perfectly and idles very evenly.

I was told that the problem sounded like a failing MAF. When I unplugged the MAF with the engine running the idle dropped a few hundred rpm and then recovered, if it was working ok i'm led to believe that it should have cut out by unplugging it. Im getting a new one asap but in the meantime driving off boost.

So it would appear that they dont always idle unevenly with a fcked MAF


I'm sure i've read somewhere that the battery will have to be disconnected for several hours in order to reset the ecu.

Apologies if i'm talking bollocks


Try a search on this site or scoobynet

And theres a website called www.saxonfields.freeserve.co.uk, I'm sure theres a link on ecu resets there.


problem solved !!!!

it was the boost solenoid needed cleaning !!

exactly as ally b had suggested !cheers buddie !! took it down to greers and they told me the same as ally you cant top the 99 00 cars up to the brim with oil as it fudges the solenoid !!

so a big thanks to ally and a big thanks to greers again !! brilliant !!!!


Thanks for the thanks Davie .[:$]

I'm no expert , but I've owned a '99 and a '00 so I know most of the things to look out for with them [:D]

I'm glad my diagnosis was correct and maybe saved you a few quid.

Scottish-scoobies guys are generally a good bunch , and we all try to help each other out with the benefit of our own hard-earned lessons .

We all know a little , which put together is a  LOT of knowledge  .

Good to see you last night at the Glasgow meet and I hope we'll see you again at the meets [Y]






well tell you what if you're gonna be there then count me in al

cos your a mine of info !!

also very down to earth and .............. what did you have to eat ?? lol !!

wish i could have stayed but as i said the mrs was left decorating while i was " galavanting !! "

but am so glad the car is now boosting properly !

phew !!!



good to hear all is well m8... thats something off yer mind anyway nothing worse than knowing yer car aint running worth a f3ck and you dont know if its anything major or not


christ tell me about it mate !!

but you will be pleased to know i gave a 911 g plate a clean set of heels on the way home after i knew what was wrong lol !!

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