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To sell or not to sell ???

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Right im might sell the car and get away from scoobs all together [8-)]

But im just not sure im not going to dive in to anything as is, not sure how much

to ask for the old dear put it this way its not going for nothing coz iv spent a lot of time and money getting it to the stage its at.

Any advice would be great as my head is mince at the moment !!

so if any bugger is intersted in it let me know.

Thanx [;)]

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There were two moments I regretted it. First when I took the deposit. It's very final and you know that in a couple of days you'll be car less.

Second time was when the car left. Like I said in other thread I've never heard the car drive away before apart from the guys moving it at AWD. But where it was parked on Friday the new owner had to reverse up the dead end. Car sounded great and looked fantastic. Then he pulled away and roared up the road.I've heard loads of scoobies drive past but must say my (old) car is the best sounding model I have ever heard. At that point i realised how much I'll miss it.

But I just had to remember the straight six roar of the M3. A different noise but still fantastic and the ever lasting power and rev range.OOOOHHH These thoughts get my mind off losing such a great car!

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You should put up a full spec list so that people can see whats done... and then give an accurate valuation on it for you. [:D][:D]

As other people have said.. its a reasonably large decision due to the amount you've spent on it and the fact that you'll never get even close to what you'd need to be close to covering your costs on it. But it IS just a car and once you get bored of "normal" cars, you can do the same to another Scoob once you return to the fold. [:D]



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