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Watch who you give your mobile number too!!!

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Don't think people on here would be so childish to do such a thing, but watch who you has your moby number as I have been getting call after call from call centres the last 2 days!

I only really give my moby number out to certain people anyway.

Just watch who has your number!!

Rice Rocket

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They've started to do the computerised dialling in this country. I think once they get an answer they then add you to the database as a valid number and pass you on to other companies.

I have a new hobby which involves winding them up.

Ask them about a conservatory for your 3rd floor flat (forget to mention about your house being a flat until you are bored with them)


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Greetings, friends. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you've got the power inside you right now. So, use it, and send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don't delay, eternal happiness is just a dollar away.

I get a phone call about once a month, usually around Noon on a monday/tuesday at the start of the month from 08700 426 655. A quick google and the word "scam" appears. No idea where they got my number from, I rarely give it out.

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Had one of these last night on my moby.

They had not de-activated Outgoing Call Line Identifier so I see a call coming in from a Mobile Number ( 07xxxxx )

Loadsa folk have my moby number for work purposes so to get a call from an unrecognised number is not unusual.

"Hi, we are agents for T-Mobile, can you confirm that you have a T-Mobile contract"


"We are diong a special offer on handset upgrade, do you have a Pay as You Go contract"


"Do you have a 3G contra ...."


They are just trying to get a contract renewal through cold calling.

I've had these before, they are using a created list of numbers to dial out. Certain sequences after the initial 07 such as "957" are ( were ) T-Mobile numbers - depends if you have since ported your number to another network.

They are just dialing in sequence the numbers after that i.e 07957 000 001 ( sorry if this is anyone's number but if so, I guess you'll already have had a call !!!!! )

I like andywrx's suggestion which I'll use next time face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

The thing is, I now have their number which will no dout be put to use for great amusement when they start to get calls from double glazing companies and other mobile phone companies !!!

Edited to add - if anyone wants a handset upgrade, give em a call on 07961950747 or maybe just find a few of those online "Please Call Me Back" type things !!!

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I just tell them that I'm a bit busy at the moment, but if they give me their own personal mobile number, I'll give them a call back later. Ironically, most of them don't like receiving calls from strangers on their personal mobiles !! You can think up your own fitting response when they tell you that face-icon-small-wink.gif


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whilst we're on the subject, i got this from a friend of mine who works for aberdeen police


Importance: High

If you receive a phone call on your mobile from any person, saying that, he or she is a company engineer, or telling that they're checking your mobile line, and you have to press # 90 or #09 or any other number. End this call immediately without pressing any numbers. There is a fraud company using a device that once you press #90 or #09 they can access your "SIM" card and make calls at your expense.

All mobile users pay attention if you receive a phone call and your mobile phone displays (XALAN) on the screen don't answer the call, END THE CALL IMMEDIATELY, if you answer the call, your phone will be infected by a virus.

This virus will erase all IMEI and IMSI information from both your phone and your SIM card, which will make your phone unable to connect with the telephone network. You will have to buy a new phone. This information has been confirmed by both Motorola and Nokia.

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These calls are great.

Them: Hi there, you will be glad to know as the policy holder you have been awarded our great new.....

Me: Im not the policy holder

Them: Do you own any phone policy's?

Me: No

Them: Pay as You go?

Me: No

Them: Are you a UK resident?

Me: Yes

Them: Great, as a uk resident you are also entitled to our great new....

Me: Really???Thats great!!! Bye then..........click.

I now feel so valued as a uk resedent LOL

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steve - that's a complete hoax mate. Been around for a while though.

Wouldn't you know about me saying about that company that phone me up once a month. Guess who phoned me this morning? THAT'S RIGHT! I keep missing their calls too. I'll need to wait until next month to try and catch them again and see who they are.

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