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I'm a new wee girl looking for help please !!!

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<< So you think I'd be better forgetting about my scooby for another couple of years face-icon-small-wink.gif If I do that then I could go straight for the turbo ..... ohhhhh what a decision to have to make. I'm dying on getting my scoob, but I'm trying to be sensible about it which is hard cos my heart is kinda ruling my head !!face-icon-small-confused.gif >>

to be honest i would put the turbo on the back burner just now and save like a demon for another wee while. Get the sport, still bags of fun to be had, even on the light modding front face-icon-small-wink.gif

But then again the choice is entirely yours, you know what your financial constraints are and as has been said many a time..........listen to your head not your heart. Your time will come, might just take a tad longer than expected face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Remember............a scooby is for life not just christmas!!!! face-icon-small-happy.gif >>

Haha !! I know I need to be sensible about this ............ it's just such a minefield out there when basically I know very little face-icon-small-blush.gif

Thank everyone for your help so far .......... any other chickadees on here from my area ?? face-icon-small-smile.gif

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First work out what you can afford monthly.

Then if finance allows get a turbo if you can but take your time and learn how to drive her.

The SPORT is a very good start to the realms of the scooby ownership.face-icon-small-smile.gif

Take care and take your time buying the car you want.

Glasgow meet(tonight) at Hillington if you want to come alongface-icon-small-wink.gif


insurance will probably be the biggest killer

ruby the scooby has a sport and i think you could safely say she loves it

buy shares in shellface-icon-small-wink.gif


<< insurance will probably be the biggest killer

ruby the scooby has a sport and i think you could safely say she loves it

buy shares in shellface-icon-small-wink.gif >>

Oh no ......... the more I look at this thread, the more I think I'm doing the wrong thingface-icon-small-mad.gif Ruby the scooby, where does she come from?? It would be nice to speak to a female scooby driver face-icon-small-smile.gif No offence lads your advice is much appreciated face-icon-small-wink.gif


i think ruby is from grangemouth not totaly sure about that though

you should get a few insurance quotes 1st

bell admiral and elephant are probably the most common ones

then you will know wether you will be able to afford it or not


Morning Chloe. Welcome to the nut house.

Rubythecooby comes from Grangemouth, no doubt she'll appear very shortly face-icon-small-wink.gif

As with the advice.. at 19 id stick with the sport too, not go the get up and go of a turbo but will still keep up with them once you work out how to drive it properly and the running costs will be lower. Unless of course that youve got a family memeber willing to be very nice to you and insure it through them face-icon-small-wink.gif

Get yourself along to the lothians meet next tuesday, its only along at ratho.



<< Morning Chloe. Welcome to the nut house.

Rubythecooby comes from Grangemouth, no doubt she'll appear very shortly face-icon-small-wink.gif

As with the advice.. at 19 id stick with the sport too, not go the get up and go of a turbo but will still keep up with them once you work out how to drive it properly and the running costs will be lower. Unless of course that youve got a family memeber willing to be very nice to you and insure it through them face-icon-small-wink.gif

Get yourself along to the lothians meet next tuesday, its only along at ratho.

Andy >>

Just been looking through some of Ruby's posts ......... she sounds quite a character, look forward to speaking too her face-icon-small-happy.gif Grangemouth is that place with the big flames shooting oot the chimneys ain't it ?? Not too far from me

Yeh the insurance and up keep sure are gonna be a bit of a nightmare I think but ................. I REALLY want my scoob, I'm sure if I put my mind too it and cut out the clubbing at the weekends I can do it !!! face-icon-small-happy.gif

Coming to meet you all, I'm a bit shy and would feel out of place with all you guys, does Ruby go to the meets??



Yeah thats the place.

Cut the clubbing and drinking then your sorted... scoob or poisioned liver and hangovers??? i know what one i'd preffer face-icon-small-wink.gif

Just get yourself along, we dont bite. Just ask Ruby(Sharon) she goes to every meet anywhere i think.


<< Coming to meet you all, I'm a bit shy and would feel out of place with all you guys, does Ruby go to the meets?? >>

Ruby (Sharon) will be there as per usual... seemingly we cant hide from her face-icon-small-blush.gif

She's a good laugh.. hope to see you there


<< Yeah come along to ratho my gf will be there and she is 19 so ull be able to chat to her >>

Thats good news ......... wouldn't dream of just turning up without any other girls being there.

So Ruby isn't Ruby after all !!! lol face-icon-small-blush.gifface-icon-small-blush.gif



<< Yeah come along to ratho my gf will be there and she is 19 so ull be able to chat to her >>

Thats good news ......... wouldn't dream of just turning up without any other girls being there.

So Ruby isn't Ruby after all !!! lol face-icon-small-blush.gifface-icon-small-blush.gif >>

LOL nah her cars called Ruby shes called Sharonthenutterwithescooby face-icon-small-wink.gif


hahaha nah im not a chancer, well okay maybe for £6k I would have been face-icon-small-tongue.gif

I just sold mine for the exact reason your worried about buying. Im about 40 miles to work & back every day then trip to girlfriends a few times a week, shes about 15 miles away then just going random drives was leaving me skint, so sodly for now at least I need a 40-50mpg 12k a service car!! face-icon-small-sad.gif

I will be back though face-icon-small-wink.gif

I was 21 when I got mine so there may be hope for you yet face-icon-small-smile.gif

My advice - try to get the newest lowest mileage standard (cosmetic mods ok) UK car you can with full dealer service!! Keep it that way cos when you mod them they cost even more!! Theres loads available so choose wisly face-icon-small-wink.gif


<< Yeah thats the place.

Cut the clubbing and drinking then your sorted... scoob or poisioned liver and hangovers??? i know what one i'd preffer face-icon-small-wink.gif

Just get yourself along, we dont bite. Just ask Ruby(Sharon) she goes to every meet anywhere i think. >>

Your right .......... had a good few years of the club scene, time to get myself sorted and have something to show for my money !! Ha ha listen to me, wait till friday night comes and The Twig and Ratt are beconing we'll see how much will power I have then !!! face-icon-small-mad.gif

Joking aside, I'm busy getting a few ins. quotes etc ..........I've been told there's a nice Scooby in Kaim Park garage in Bathgate at the moment, so gonna pop along later and have a wee look face-icon-small-wink.gif


<< hahaha nah im not a chancer, well okay maybe for £6k I would have been face-icon-small-tongue.gif

I just sold mine for the exact reason your worried about buying. Im about 40 miles to work & back every day then trip to girlfriends a few times a week, shes about 15 miles away then just going random drives was leaving me skint, so sodly for now at least I need a 40-50mpg 12k a service car!! face-icon-small-sad.gif

I will be back though face-icon-small-wink.gif

I was 21 when I got mine so there may be hope for you yet face-icon-small-smile.gif

My advice - try to get the newest lowest mileage standard (cosmetic mods ok) UK car you can with full dealer service!! Keep it that way cos when you mod them they cost even more!! Theres loads available so choose wisly face-icon-small-wink.gif >>

Thanks for your advice face-icon-small-wink.gif Gonna take a look at one in a garage in Bathgate later, I'm just a bit confused, prices seem like they're all over the place. Don't know what to expect for £6000 face-icon-small-mad.gif


To give you an idea of what you can get for your money, this was mine until 2 days ago.

Sold it for £4k so for £6k you could easily get something like it but newer, just gotta keep an eye on whats for sale! face-icon-small-smile.gif


http://img.photobox.co.uk/20663401377fe585...ad998ca0ff9ee38 b5f7dfbbaa2a.jpg

http://snap25.photobox.co.uk/02765993e2740...bf85023149b0fb0 8761ed50b45507f.jpg

http://img.photobox.co.uk/86699822b4eb4fdb...8e9cf9849d31917 6b84ba553be8.jpg

http://img.photobox.co.uk/77718111f5461fa5...ad9aa3302cfe32c 9ea336b57526.jpg

http://img.photobox.co.uk/11860982ccb0f8b1...25a5fd11a42145d b2d5443adf6d.jpg

http://snap24.photobox.co.uk/133287306f917...3887fe0d4b1ef87 0b16e69ed07174e.jpg

http://snap20.photobox.co.uk/9210657812828...5e0a5892d8adac7 458372aa169e9b8.jpg

+ it gives me a chance to post pics of my car again.....oft its sorely missed already face-icon-small-sad.gif

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