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Sorry we could not make it !!!!!!!

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Well after spending the wholoe day washing and cleaning cars so we could look all BLING for the South End meet.................................

Pele has had an accident, not her fault but it was nasty enough to warrent her car being turned into a convertible face-icon-small-wink.gif , considering there was not a straight panal left on the car , as well as two wheels actually snapping at the boss she has had a light scrap !!!, Good thing is no one was really badly hurt, all the occupants of the other car are fine with nothing more than a little shock but Pele has her pride hurt the most !! along with several broken ribs and a broken wrist face-icon-small-blush.gif

Will hopefully get some pics of the car soon, so you can all see her handywork face-icon-small-shocked.gif

Good news is I have a clean car face-icon-small-happy.gif, and still in one piece face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Hope to see you all at the next meet face-icon-small-wink.gif

Well here are the pics, how not to convert your Scooby!!












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<< O sh*t face-icon-small-shocked.gif Is the car totally fu*ked Pele?. >>

Errrm just a bit lol....front end with a lampost then a spin into a fence then got hit in the side - not an awful lot of panels left - then they had to cut the roof off to get me out....

So in answer to Leon, not an awful lot to salvage - going to have a look tomorrow if I'm allowed near it ...


Spent hours polishing it too - all thawasted effort lol never mind at least I'm in one peice, albeit a very sore & aching one peece - and nobody else was hurt


<< Spent hours polishing it too - all thawasted effort lol never mind at least I'm in one peice, albeit a very sore & aching one peece - and nobody else was hurt >>

hope you get well soon ready to shop for a new scooby, taff+debs


OMG face-icon-small-shocked.gif only just got on here after being busy for a few days cant believe it glad your ok Pele cars can be replaced people cant. Hope you make a speedy recovery soon and I know you must be gutted about the car but at least u or anyone else wasnt badly hurt


I was the only one tat didn't walk away face-icon-small-sad.gif Had to be cut out of the car and put on a spinal board - not quite the way I wanted to aquire a convertible lol.....

Never mind I'm still alive just about - and once this wrist is healed, I'm going to get a sensible car for a while... lol face-icon-small-wink.gif

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