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------ Scottish SIDC Photoshoot ------ THANK YOU

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I would like to thank everybody for making me feel welcome at the meet.

I did intend to catch up on the run to Elgin, but P1doc entertained me for longer than I would have expected. I obviously managed to meet you there in the end, ready for the fun drive home in the dark.


Above: All I could see for 150 miles!

It was a well organised and enjoyable day and I can't wait for the next one.




Thanks for taking the time to come along Jon.

just out of interest .......... where can I buy/subscirbe to Scooby mag ( in Scotland ) ???




Thanx for taking the time to come north of the border and take the pics it would be nice to see a few more SIDC reps from down south attending some events up here can't waituntill the next event either hope to see you soon and hope to see some of the pics in the mag.


Sorry - the sun's shining on your post. Could you move it 3 feet to the left? face-icon-small-wink.gif

Serious kudos to you for travelling all that way.



At last you have emerged. I was getting concerned that you were still travelling back home againface-icon-small-smile.gif

Thanks again for coming to the event and taking the photos for us and the mag.

will people be able to order copies from you of the photos or have i just created an admin nightmare for you?face-icon-small-tongue.gif

we will try and think of something cunning and obscure for next time.

do you want my account details just now?face-icon-small-happy.gif

thanks again mate

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