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Scottish Scoobies Flyers

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something I have kicking about and pasted below to focus peeps minds.

I had mocked up a flyer, drafted some words, added some pics back in May this year when Squirrel suggested making up A5 promo cards to put under windscreens of scoobs we pass/see day to day.

wasnt sure about the focus of the club, I wanted to emphasise that we do a range of activities/events so picked some pictures from a range of events.

It hasnt really seen the light of day (I had sent it to committee but didnt get a response).

not too fussed if it doesnt hit the mark / not what you were wanting to promote, just want to start the ball rolling..

At least it can start a discussion and hopefully we can get a design agreed.

i wouldnt be able to take this any further (too much going on with me at the mo) so comments/further development welcome.


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I have a buddy works in graphic design. His Co. do all the marketing stuff for Guinness. He's bloody good and he's the sort of guy that would help for free. Email idea stuff etc to me andy AT trialscentral.com and I'll see what he can do.

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Ive said b4 about a sticker advertising the club, doesnt have to b big. i'm going 2c underground graphics about either a rear windscreen sign or a couple of small rear window stickers saying www.scottishscoobies.co.uk, maybe in white with a blue underline, am i allowed 2 do this? If anyone else is interested, let me know.

I think this is good advertising, as every1 admires each others scoobs and if it gets the attention of fellow scoob drivers that arent in the club/on the forum, then it can only b a good thing face-icon-small-smile.gif

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As i said in the other thread

It has all been discussed before and i even offered to pay out of my own pocket for 1000 flyers to be made up to avoid any outlay/interference with the commitee.

I really liked the design of Malky's flyer and thought that would have been ideal in a similar size to the Type R Scotland flyer.

Is it going to be a Regional flyer, advertising the time and venue of a local monthly meet or is it going to be a National flyer just advertising the club and forum?


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<< can i suggest we have more pictures in the flyer?

I feel the rb5 and the TRS ones have too many words.... too much writing. old saying of 'a picture tells a thousand words' and all that..... >>

Imy - I totally agree wi you.

Too many words and not enough pictures is sooooooooooo boring.

Get plenty pics on the flyer!!

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Personally I think a SIDC presence/stand at more of the car shows, events etc would be a good idea as well.

Dont get me wrong the flyers are a great idea and necessary but theres no point having them just to put

on a few scoobs in a tesco carpark.

For my own bit in advertising i got www.scottishscoobies.co.uk on the bottom of my numberplate when i got a new set made up.

As danterzo says some vinyl stickers would be good idea.

Was in dastek the other day and there is flyers in there but there for the main sidc website.

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Ive got to say people, this is another old idea brought back from the grave . Malcolm spent a bit of time on this particular idea and those of you who attend meets would have seen it. This was over a year ago . At a one of the Glasgow meets this was discussed and Willie from sidc said to hold fire because they were bringing out a scottish scooby flyers of there own. STILL WAITING . Usual sidc problem to much chit chat on the forum and not enough doing . Sound like a broken record , but get along to your local meet in person , voice your ideas and maybe youll see results.


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Sometimes even attending a meet is not good enough but attending a meet in your local area is a good start

There has been quite a few of "No dont do that there is something in the pipeline" and as Andy says We are still waiting for several things to appear but nothing, apart from trackdays at Knockhil, ever does.

Personally i am dissappointed when the idea of arranging a Scottish Big One was knocked on the head as i was informed that the hierarchy were looking into something and a diary of events would be looked at for the year. This was 18 months ago and if the bull was taken by the horns we would have had our fist National meet/SBO uring the past summer.

Malky's flyer was an excellent design and could have been adapted to either Regional or National use. With me paying for the printing, it would have cost the club not a penny but the idea was not pursued. Again, as Andy says, this has been over a year ago and if it was followed through with.

The best we can hope for is the regular regional meets to continue on a monthly occurance and the occasional run in the country organised by the grass roots level.

Still here and doing my own thing


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Was wondering how long it would take before all the negative posts would start to flow. I personally think that all the commitee and RO's, even the ones that dont like me, do a bloody good job, but sometimes just sometimes we feel as though were being abandoned. Guys and gals lets keep a positive attitude and get this and other things done.


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<< ROs and Moderators have little power other than giving their support to these ideas >>

perhaps I am misunderstanding but I thought ROs do more than "giving support" to ideas?

the support is there from the members, but we look towards the ROs to get ideas off the ground.

<< I personally think that all the commitee and RO's, even the ones that dont like me, do a bloody good job, but sometimes just sometimes we feel as though were being abandoned. >>

you are certainly not "abandoned" from my point of view babe face-icon-small-wink.gif

I know that you have done a lot for the club that perhaps folk dont know about, but is not publicised because it is difficult to get it off the ground.

It feels like the committee do not support the Scottish region as much as they support the regions down south and perhaps leave the scottish ROs to deal with the aftermath of things that are planned but never happen.

chat about flyers, flags, extra coverage at events is all good, but it shouldnt be that difficult to make it happen, if we had the support from the top.

not wanting to go on but I do feel a bit frustrated/aggrieved when, out of making 90 odd SS garments, not a single member of the committee (bar Spooks and Billyboy) bought one face-icon-small-sad.gif

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Not a negative flow of post as such but i just find it a bit galling that an idea is mooted that could have been a reality. Malky's original flyer was designed and proposed more than a year ago and the date on Imy's flyer was May.

I can see the ScottishScoobies clothing range dieing a quick death soon.

Six weeks until chrstmas and not a lot has been mentioned about the Santa Cruise to the the Sick Kids Hospital's. I will put a collection round my work for Yorkhill but i wont be as invovled as i was last year as it way too late for anything that was originally proposed to be followed through.

Not having a dig at anyone on here but just my view on things and as a paid up member i am allowed to have a view on tings. When my renewal comes around i will NOT be renewing it as it does nothing for me being an import owner and my views or ideas are not listened to by the people that supposedly matter.


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As a relative newbie to the club I might not be in the best position to make comments about the political landscape. But I will. I'm not having a go at anyone because I sure as hell don't get off my backside and do anything, but there seems to be a general lack of cohesion or direction for the Scottish element of the club. The ROs, JohnS etc. all do a great job. But it feels like there's just something missing.

Yes the forum is good. Yes the local meets and the occasional national stuff is good. But where is all the information about these events and the Scottish section of the club? Hidden away in the forum!

Forums can be a bit cliquey. It can be hard for new people to jump straight in, especially those completely new to Subaru ownership, or those who might not be regular Internet users/abusers.

If we as the Scottish Scoobies element of the SIDC hope to entice fellow owners and enthusiasts from Scotland to join us in our madcap quest to talk pish on the internet and to have fun at events then we need to have a public face that isn't the almost impenetrable for newbies forum.

What we need is a decent small-ish website with the information already on the scottish scoobies part of the SIDC homepage but further expanded to show all the great things the club has done and will be doing. If any of you have visited the MLR then you'll know that a good professional looking face for a car club could be like.

Yes the Leaflet is a great idea, but you want that to be something short and snappy that gets people looking for more. So without a good introduction to our section of the club then to me it seems almost like a little bit of a pointless exercise.

The November photoshoot (assuming everything goes a head swimmingly) and the Clothing are both great examples of when someone with a bit of get up and go thinks f**k it and goes ahead and just sorts something out.

There was talk of a calendar too recently, but that died of death as there was no official support. To do some of the stuff planned the money is clearly required, and I have no idea how one would get that.

I know I feel like I could do more, but I'm put off with the thought that if I decide to run with something am I stepping on the toes of those in official positions or not.

Make of that what you will, but I hope my criticisms, if you can call them that, are constructive and not taken in any offence by anyone.

The Honey Monster.

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I will say that i have supported all the RO's, apart from Ayrshire*, in thier chosen events that they organise

Spooks, Billyboy and Jamie are doing a sterling job in the short time they have had thier respective posts and i think this is demonstrated by the strength of the turn outs at the respective meets/events.


*they dont like me and i am not too keen on them.

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Am also a newbie and without knowing all the crap that went on before i joined i can honestly say that this SIDC thing is good.

Me and lyndsey have had a ball over the summer since i bought the car and have enjoyed all the meets and events. To be honest we have been

to everything. Even had a nice trip down to blackpool with karps although organised by others. Definately need a Scottish Big One

What exactly are the flyers for: To attract new people to the club ????

Whats the point n this when, as people have said, the powers to be have put a stop to a few things and havent provided as much support as they could.

Whats really needed for this club, new members, or more for the existing members !!! there probably isnt that many subaru drivers in scotland who dont know about sidc anyway.

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<< When my renewal comes around i will NOT be renewing it as it does nothing for me being an import owner and my views or ideas are not listened to by the people that supposedly matter. >>

Come on Grant. Dont be like that.

The club needs everyones support and needs MEMBERS, and the funds from these memberships. Iam a non owner and still a member and will be renewing when the time comes, as i feel that without our membership funds the club will struggle and all these wonderfull things (flags, flyers sbo's etc) that we all hope for will be just that.. HOPES!!

Those of you have take the bull by the horns and got on with doing what youve wanted to do for the good of the club.. WELL DONE face-icon-small-happy.gif If more of us had the b4lls to do it things for Scottish Scoobies could soon take off. As it is recently there seems to be alot of new faces appearing. It'd be interesting to find out where they heard about us from.

Personally i think the flyers can be a good idea but ive distributed a few and dont think anythings come of it. Anyone else had any luck from handing them out? Those of you who have got your cars stickered up with something to do with Scottish Scoobies have propably got a great idea and gets noticed more easily.

To all the R.O's you all do a great job and i dont envy you in the slightest.


p.s sorry if any of my views upset anyone but thats just my views and opinions.

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