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There is a thread currently running with the subject of Crail quarter mile times in which I shared my views, opinion's and times. Unfortunatly from what Iam told and now realise myself I took the subject to far in return causing upset to other members by provoking a member/members to reply to the post. I never set out to do this in any way or form and do appoligies if anybody took offence by this.

After a telephone conversation this morning with a respected SIDC member I realise I did wrong and have deleted my post's. Iam truly sorry for any upset to anybody.



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I have posted more apology threads than i care/can remember. From what i can see this is a trivial matter and for my input i apologise.

Personally, i dont like crail

A) cause im useless at it and get shat times.

B) my cars running standard box and clutch which isnt any use for that kind of thing (cost/replacement wise)

As i have been told before, its a car club !! and im culprit number one for reacting to things and noising people up !!!face-icon-small-blush.gifface-icon-small-blush.gif

which i now try and either not do or keep to a minimum.

Apologies for my posts which i have now deleted also


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Can i just say well dont to the pair of you. Anyone can come in ang slag or wind people up.. It takes a much bigger man to admit he was wrong and post up an appolgy.

Well done guys.

A little banter never goes wrong just occasionally it gets taken a step too far, sometimes its simpler just to not rise to it.

Hope everyone sees my point


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I actually agreed with your first post, i saw someones honest view on a subject. Now if people are gonna cry and whinge because it does not agree with their views or ways of thinking then that is their problem........................grow thicker skin is what i suggest!!! Especially if it is gonna hit the nerves that it obviously did. face-icon-small-wink.gif


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i dont know either Fee LOL

i think its gash, however i'll happily venture onto B roads where steering and braking is involved and turn the competition inside out.

each to their ownface-icon-small-smile.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-cool.gif

** edited to say**

Fee Fee you forgot to include B) in your quote- the part where i mention at £500 a clutch fitted, id rather not.face-icon-small-smile.gif

ever seen a guy at the olympics that does every event well? do subaru use sarrazin on tarmac and solberg on gravel? LoL

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