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Drfiting on the A1

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<< One boy walked away, but the other one certainly didn't. >>

The sites rules is that no one was killed, if any one get's killed they pull the clip and put up a explanation of what happened.

So I assume both drivers survived.

You should type rally crash in to is search engine and view some of the clips Iam was positive loads of them should not have



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Done some searching on the net and found out both guys did survive and the guy in the 355 sued for the crash and won.

"On May 3, 1998.. Japanese racing star Tetsuya Ota was involved in a chain reaction collision during a GT championship race. Ota was trapped in his car for more than 50 seconds while exposed to 800-degree temperatures. There was no safety crew coming to the rescue as fellow drivers frantically extinguished the flames. The result ended with serious burns to Ota and a lawsuit against track promoters and sponsors. Agreed upon event requirements called for safety crews to rescue a driver and extinguish any fire within 30 seconds or less. Ota signed papers claiming he would not seek damages from event organizers as is typical in some venue use agreements. In a District Court ruling, the hold harmless paperwork was thrown out and Ota was awarded 90 million ($809,352) Yen. Changes in the sport now include a ?doctor car? and some fire engines standing by for such an emergency. The court also ruled that Ota could have slowed his vehicle quicker thus a reduction from the originally requested 300 million ($2,697,841) Yen. Some suggest that if it were not for TV coverage of the fire, Ota could not have proved his case of the 50 second time lapse. TV Tokyo Corp. was held partially responsible in the case. "

you can find loads on any search engine.


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The whole thing was a publicity stunt , right down to the HGV drivers who were in on it. If you notice they were not travelling quickly and were spread across the motorway to stop any traffic getting through.

the driver , one fictional chracter "wangan willy" organised if to "promote" the up and coming sport of drifting.

The driver himself is a uk pro driver and was in control of the car at all times.

While some within the drifting fraternity didn't agree with his methods , they acknowledged his ability and reason for doing it!

Gotta love those 4 door skylines thought , real dori pimp!!

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you girls need to get out more...mate had a bigger smash than that at KH yesterday....near fatality...but it turned out he had just pissed himself


glad im a member of the sad individual drivers club...just to listen to you lot winge about things...hahahhaa

gumball...your a star mate!!!

get the slippers on gents


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