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Filter question

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Ok, I realise that I'm not going to have huge performance from a Sport, but am detrmined to squeeze as much as I can from it. So.....

I've been looking at the various filter options.

Induction kits are bad as they suck in too much hot air.... unless they're cold feed induction kits which I can find for £200 not including the cold air feed which would be an extra god only knows.

Have heard that panel filters give good results as well

Just wondering if you folks have any suggestions or good/bad experiences?




I got an air induction kit from awd motorsport in perth and got a few other bits from them

and moved it into my front bumper for the low price of £60 all in, as i done it myself, you

should do the same cos its a great modface-icon-small-wink.gif


So the total thing came to £60?? face-icon-small-shocked.gif If that's the case, I'll be nipping down there asap and hooking myself up! Is it easy to relocate the kit and does it show from the front of the car?

Thanks for the info mate face-icon-small-happy.gif



<< I want my sport to go faster too.................. >>

<< Could someone do this for me?(well for Ruby actually)if i paid them????? >>

No problem.

Bring the car up and I will tow you at 90mph down the motorway with my Buggyface-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gif


Talk about hijacking a thread! lol

Jason, might take you up on that offer face-icon-small-happy.gif Will need to see how friendly the next pay cheque is in a few weeks, but did you type the price in correctly?? £60??? face-icon-small-happy.gif I'm laughing if it is!




Yeh sorry about the hijacking thingface-icon-small-smile.gif

and the answer to your question is yes it only cost £60 and its not that hard a

job to do, so just give me a pm when you want to see whats involvedface-icon-small-wink.gif

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