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chargeable offence

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a week today whilst chavving it up with a few nameless people at the Falkirk wheel, i was unfortunate enough to get stopped for my number plate letters!! unlucky

I was given a pink form in order to address the issue of illegal font and requested to take immediate action. This has been done.

What i also got was a white form generally known as a HORTE, due to the fact that i didnt have my license and insurance paperwork in the car. Fair one.

Today after waiting for the said license to be returned from an undisclosed location surrounding speeding a few weeks ago, i took my chassis down to the police station to get things done and dusted.

As i said, cos i didnt have my license to give to the officer i asked for an extention. "im going to have to charge you son, with not being in possession of your license" he said.

" your having a laugh" i said. "do i look like im laughing etc etc etc etc"?

eventually he saw reason, and decided to forget the whole thing after talking to the nice traffic cop who started all this gash.

to which i replied.........


I thought that i was going to get done for a breach of the peace as the whole population of the east end who were in skipping bail burst out laughing.

MORALE OF THE STORY? polite guys in suits, smiling, pay theyre bills and generally dont break the law get hit harder potentially than jake the jakey as he breaks into your house and steals yer telly


clowns. oh and dont have s****y number plates either.

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Chris the police are so different it goes down to the officer. Some are nice and understanding, some are pure arses and if you get them on a bad day they will take charge you to the full extent of the law.

Take the Mad may run, we got stopped because someone was doing some dangerous driving and the police were called. They just gave us producers, they did know what happened and if they wanted they could have done us for the exhausts, other illegal stuff and some of the driving. After all it only takes 2 people making a complaint for the police to do someone for dangerous driving or another offence.

But they didn't, they chatted to us and told us to take it easy.

That?s what I call great policing.

It just seems like you got one that was taking no prisoners face-icon-small-frown.gif

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My mate was recently stopped for not wearing his seat belt and once he had been given the slip and asked if he had anything to say he told them that their car was reaking of B.O. The officer mate some weak excuse about old uniforms in the back but he was less than happy to say the least.face-icon-small-happy.gif

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<< My mate was recently stopped for not wearing his seat belt and once he had been given the slip and asked if he had anything to say he told them that their car was reaking of B.O. The officer mate some weak excuse about old uniforms in the back but he was less than happy to say the least.face-icon-small-happy.gif >>

ABSOLUTELY WETTING MYSELF AT THIS TALE !!!!!!! ( CAPS LOCK to emphasise my laughter ! face-icon-small-happy.gif)

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