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Brake Upgrade-that will not "brake" the bank

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I would like to upgrade my brakes. However due to an engine replacement, the wallet is not to full at the moment. Does anyone know where I can get good brakes at a good price in Aberdeen or surrounding area?

I should've really done the brakes before I did anything else, but you know how easy it is to get carried away.

I thank you in advance.


just the other week i had a set of mintex pads and disks put on the front of my MY98 type r for 340 pounds and all i can say is WOW

check about for prices but i got these from awd in perth next day post, they had them in stock

they also have braided hose kits, should be about 50 quid


sorry, i got mintex pads and that was it so couldnt help you overall.

Mintex are very good.

i also like the anogram...................BRAKE THE BANKface-icon-small-happy.gif

you cant buy humour like that anymore


Thanks Chris, took me hours to think that up.

Think I'll have a look at mintex. How easy is it to fit brakes yourself!!! or is it a job best left to the profs.?


It's a pun. Anagram would be "kerb rank bath", but not quite so amusing...

As far as brake upgrades go i got some reconditioned 4-pots for £180, new Tarox discs for £90, some Mintex 1155 pads for £55 and some braided hoses for £30. Fitted by myself for £0. Total cost £335. face-icon-small-happy.gif

A favour was called in for the discs and i got lucky with the calipers. But they're still going strong nearly a year later.


Ive got a set of 4-pot calipers, disks and pads coming off my MY00 RA in the next week (AP's going back onface-icon-small-smile.gif)

£230 for the lot if you want them (pads have about 200 miles left in them!). Fitting is an extra £50 (including full bleed of brakes to new fluid). Would recommend getting some braided hoses as well (£50)

Total will be £280 supplied or £340 fitted for all of the above!

Russell (07792 067728)


New pads are anywhere from £50 -£100 depending on what type you get and what needs you require to be met.



thats me fuly DBA 'ed up oot ma heed, easy as considering the mad day i had and the other jobs with the squadron leader and matt and wilky can vouch they noooooooface-icon-small-confused.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gif

ps getting goodridge brakes hoses next!!!!!! nae botherface-icon-small-wink.gif

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