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Scottish Scoobies Clothing!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Any pics of the Scottish Scoobies stickers?

I liked ur jacket on Sunday too Imy. Think the brain had gone to sleep by the time we'd eaten on Sunday! Cant remember what you said re prices and colours face-icon-small-blush.gif

Can we have an update please?

Thanks face-icon-small-smile.gif


We are in final stages of pre production - samples are ready, been modelled and pics loaded onto the web ready for unveiling next week.

First orders can be placed from next week and should be ready for uplift within 14 days.

For all those attending NBO or Knockhill track day, we should be able to push your order through in time for these events. Please ensure your names are on posts regarding these events as we will be PMing you for advance orders...

We will have all samples with us for this months meets ready for your mucky paws (he he) to touch and feel them - off the models of course face-icon-small-wink.gif

Any questions or suggestions - you know where we are....

Gayle and Imy

Organisors of Fashion and Social Events (Self Appointed of courseface-icon-small-wink.gif)

  • 3 weeks later...

although it seems as if the clothing front has died down, Gayle and I have been busy working away behind the scenes.

We have now got the final list of garments, prices and colours and are finalising ordering/payment arrangements.

All clothes come with the Scottish Scoobies logo on the back, SIDC logo on the front and your name/username underneath.

There is a slight delay in getting them in the shop due to the vast combination of options available but things are happening.

Some members have already got their clothes (e.g. attendees for the NBO and KH) and if you are desperately wanting a top for a particular event, PM me and I will see what I can do face-icon-small-wink.gif

To give you a taster of what the clothes look like, I have added some clickys below.

I will have a better idea of where we are in about a month's time.

Imy face-icon-small-cool.gif

blue polo shirt

saltire top

long sleeve t-shirt

and a pink one for the ladies



Mail me details on the flag specs & prices buddy and I`ll talk to a few of the dealers that have sponsored stuff in the past for us.

I`m sure I`ll get a few on-board face-icon-small-wink.gif

RE use of the flags I`d suggest they are held by the RO`s, I know it`s ANOTHER thing for us to do but ithat way there is at least a degree of control over when and where their use is appropriate. Zeo, dunno if u remember it or not but last year when i picked up the Banzai magazine "Best scooby" trophy at crail I did mention the SIDC in the writeup for the mag (good publicity for the club as it highlighted the standard of cars in the club) also when I was interviewed for Rev Bobs Torque show, again from memory I mentioned the club before I kicked that BMW`s butt on the strip for the TV crew face-icon-small-happy.gif (again good publicity for the club). OK the lads and myself tend not to goto Crail as often as we used to due to inflated prices amongst other reasons but when we do, it`s in an orderly, organised manner as would be expected by any RO`s or members organising events. So IMHO if there`s an event to be attended by a number of club members then the RO for the area the event is in should be able to determine if displaying the flag/s would be appropriate.

BTW gals good thinks on the clobber face-icon-small-wink.gif




Took delivery of my hooded top on Friday (thanks to Grant and Imy for that)

Looks great, wife calling me a saddo already, but me loves it.

Well done guys. face-icon-small-smile.gif


Felt a bit like something from Matt Lucas's wardrobe.... the only gay in the village.... actually

I'll get Mrs S to sow the buttons back on and get the kebab stains out of it face-icon-small-wink.gif



Maybe me being a sad git, but i'd quite like a wee garment to wear @ the Fast n Furious thingy @ Ingliston on the 17th July if poss?

Who should I PM - Gayle, Imy (or both)


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