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So whats the next SIDC event in Scotland then??

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<< i aint on the list either! >>

1. Andy CTR

2. Kenny CTR & Graeme

3. Big D 350Z

4. Grovit Scoob

5. Montoya Civic Sport

6. Cal Scooby

7. Fraz CTR

8. DuncATR ATR

9. Gavin Evo & Scott

10. Corbie DC5 ITR

11. Fonz 600 CTR

12. Paul - Keevster CTR

13. Martin CTR

14. AndyBITR ITR

15. Dave Corbett ITR

16. Sooty Golf

17. Synch81 ITR

18. Miles Evo 6

19. 8905 - Robbie ?????

20. TommyATR ATR

21. The Squirrel Scooby

22. Grant Scooby

23. Friggler CTR

24. Dons man ITR

25. Weee jasey Robin Reliant

26. Megncalvin ATR

27. Silvergti CTR

28. Hi Soob Scooby

29. STi-Zlv - Matt Scooby

30. Swiggi Scooby

31. Davie Honda ITR

32. DJ - EK9 CTR

33. John EK9 Civic R

34. Kenny M - Scooby

35. Buckie - Ferrari

36. Andy - bike

37. Weeb - Scooby



<< Are the names of Grant and The Squirel that are on the list the same person??? >>

Nope the TRS Grant is coming from Dundee, the Squirrel grant is a different Grant.

Details for everyone meeting at Braehead (thanks to Cal)

Braehead To Stirling

Meet at Ikea car park at the back ( you?ll see us

For 09.15 ? don?t be late !!!!!!!!!

Swiggi, the plan is to have all the Scoobies in one group face-icon-small-wink.gif

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