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So whats the next SIDC event in Scotland then??

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<< Are the Glesga sidc meeting up for a convoy then? >>

Weedgie contingent meeting at Braehead at 9.30am (Cal can you confirm car park and time?)

30+ plus cars now face-icon-small-wink.gif


We leave the Ikea Car park ( at the back of the car park @ 0930 sharp )

Blast thru the Tunnel then over the Campsies to me the rest of the squadron face-icon-small-wink.gif

Optimax refuel at Doune or Stirling face-icon-small-confused.gif


Out of all of you lot that are going can any of you not manage 200 - 215 miles out of one tank???

I'm going to have to reccae the route this week to make sure none of you run out of fuel!! face-icon-small-happy.gif




sound good, put my name down for the run, meet at stirling.

am off the enjoy the white stuff!! mmmmmmmmmmmm donuts!face-icon-small-happy.gif


Everyone who's going can you please BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH!!ft>

With the numbers involved we can't stop off for a meal so we'll find somewhere bonnie to have a sandwich face-icon-small-cool.gif




Update on this from AndyBCTR :-

Went and did the route today and it's 208ish miles assuming we do it all but there are options to cut and run if the temp drops/rains/we're late. It's not the same as the route published but it's close. There are two BP Ultimate garages and one wee Optimax garage for those who think they really will run out but everyone should be fine.


Sounds Scooby friendly to me ! face-icon-small-smile.gif


There is an Optimax garage 2 miles from where we finish for those who can make it the whole way round.

If everyone could be at Stirling uni for 11am so we can leave 11.30am as it'll be getting dark by the time we finish face-icon-small-smile.gif



A wee reminder for those that are going.

TRS meet this Saturday, weedgies starting at Braehead for main meet point in Stirling face-icon-small-smile.gif

Cal, why were you not keeping this at the top? face-icon-small-tongue.gif


Ok guys only a couple of days to go face-icon-small-happy.gif Just posting up some stuff from TRS that you may not have read.

One of the TRS guys going posted this today...

<< OK guys don't want to spoil the excitement but a sobering thought here. Last night I attended my 3rd RTA in as many days. In all 3 people were hurt and all were of different causes and situations. However after speaking to the Police they have been getting almost 3-5 RTA's every day past week or so. So guys remember the roads are a bit slippy and we do ahem* push our cars a bit more than usual on meets, myself included, so please be careful I don't want to make 4 this week. OK guys don't want to spoil the excitement but a sobering thought here. Last night I attended my 3rd RTA in as many days. In all 3 people were hurt and all were of different causes and situations. However after speaking to the Police they have been getting almost 3-5 RTA's every day past week or so. So guys remember the roads are a bit slippy and we do ahem* push our cars a bit more than usual on meets, myself included, so please be careful I don't want to make 4 this week. OK guys don't want to spoil the excitement but a sobering thought here. Last night I attended my 3rd RTA in as many days. In all 3 people were hurt and all were of different causes and situations. However after speaking to the Police they have been getting almost 3-5 RTA's every day past week or so. So guys remember the roads are a bit slippy and we do ahem* push our cars a bit more than usual on meets, myself included, so please be careful I don't want to make 4 this week. >>

Just take it easy out there face-icon-small-wink.gif

Convoy etiquette Copyright of Scottish Elises. Type-R Scotland base the 'rules of the run' on this...


1. Take care to plan a sensible route in terms of timing, quality of roads, etc.

2. Publish the route to all participants.

3. Make sure everyone has a map, and a "worst case" rendezvous point in case all else fails!

4. Drive in groups of 4-5 max, following only the car in front, and keeping a weather eye on only the car immediately behind you.

5. Take great care when overtaking - the car in front may be fazed by yet another Elise popping into line in front!

6. Signal in line with the Highway Code unless clearly agreed with the whole group beforehand.

7. Always signal the turns in towns, and hang back at awkward or easily missed junctions out in the country to ensure the following car doesn't sail straight on.

8. Keep your distance on Motorways and don't swap places too often, this can be construed as "racing" by the local constabulary.

9. Agree meeting points on or just at the end of a Motorway section, to allow everyone to drive at their own pace if preferred.

10. Always have regard for the other (often gobsmacked/terrified/envious) motorists en route, and uphold our good reputation at all times


Driving Groups

SIDC experience shows 4-5 cars max is a sensible size. Running up to 8 is not impossible, but needs more discipline. And it seriously fazes motorists being overtaken.

Interestingly the group has been naturally breaking up into this kind of size anyway. Driving near the back means that you get to drive the route yourself without trying to keep up by overtaking in pairs. It's certainly a bit more frantic in the middle. You also get to see all the people looking in disbelief at yet another Elise roaring past.

Therefore try not to overtake as a group unless there is plenty of clear road. If only one-car-gaps exist, let the group member in front start to tuck back into the new slot before accelerating past the slower car ahead of you. That way, if any one has to back out of a manoeuvre and slot back into place, you don't end up with no place to go! (Further advice welcome here).

The old saying is very relevant - Better to arrive 5 mins late for one place than 50 years too early for another.

Everyone should take a shot at the back as well as the front to calm themselves down from time to time. You get to drive at the same pace but, you are effectively on your own and are not trying to keep up quite as much. It's also worth it to hear the crescendo of exhausts when pulling away from junctions etc.

Here are some summary guidelines, courtesy of Fat Bob Fisics:

As always, you are responsible for your own safety and that of those you overtake, while you are overtaking them. Remember if you pi$$ off another driver on the road, they are likely to (a) be uncooperative towards your pals that are bringing up the rear and (B) call the police on their brand new virgin mobile, reporting a road race. Think about what you are doing - driving faster is fun, but it also brings with it the need for more concentration.

Help keep the group together by waiting for the car behind you at junctions. Trust that the car in front will do the same for you at the next again junction. Also help the car behind overtake by staying in the right hand lane after overtaking the car in front for as long as you can safely see ahead. Leave your indicator on while you do this. It doesn't help if you move back to the left lane (the cars behind are left wondering if you can really see, or if you just forgot your indicators).

If you want to go faster than the Elise in front, indicate this by leaving your right turn indicator on and perhaps tooting or flashing if they don't get the hint. The car in front should lift and wave you by. There is nothing wrong in wanting to go slower or faster and we should all cooperate to keep everyone driving at a pace they enjoy.

Avoid bunching up - it is bad for your paint work, bad for your glass and more importantly, it is dangerous. If you drive too close to the car in front, you have to expect them to drive more slowly (because they now need twice the braking distance - theirs and yours). This is true regardless of whether or not the car in front is one of us. If you find yourself too close to the car in front, it makes sense to ease off a little to regain that safe gap.

If you do not know where you are going, you cannot realistically overtake the lead car unless you are going to wait at the next junction - you will probably have to rejoin towards the back of the group and all in all you may have been better off staying put in the first place. If that doesn't suit, maybe next time try and bring a navigator or a map.

No doubt we could add to this list, but I think it is most important to emphasise three points:

use common sense

help each other

don't pi$$ off joe public.



Source of more confusion than assistance, it seems. Headlamp flashing is notoriously vague; using it in line with the Highway Code ruling that it is "to let another motorist know that you are there" is a good start. If necessary, probably best to agree a code with the group before setting out - eg, 2 flashes to pull in; 1 flash to move off, etc. But keep it simple! - Walkie talkies, perhaps that's the way ahead (-:.

When driving through towns not everyone has been signalling the turns. This makes it difficult for the peeps at the back to decide which lane they should be in at roundabouts or lights if they are some way back behind traffic. Not so bad when there is little traffic on the road.



OK, so it's boring to sit on the m-way at one speed in a long line moving in and out of the traffic. But it's far safer to keep your distance, stay in your position, to move back into the inside lane at the earliest opportunity, not to dive in front of a car that the leading cars have just passed as this can cause accidents as they suddenly brake hard because you've surprised them. After all we don't generally spend too much time on the M-way so no need to go mad for the few miles we do cover.

Another school of thought is to agree a meeting point at or near the end of the M-way (or part way down, if it's a long stretch) and just drive to rendezvous there. Theoretically the Fuzz can charge you with "racing" if there's too much zipping in and out of traffic and swapping of places on motorways especially.


This is already posted on the Type-R Scotland forum but it's only fair to post here too for all those going. The route's finished and will be handed out to everyone on the day along with part of the advice above. If anyone has any questions let me know preferably before the day so I've time to sort it face-icon-small-wink.gif

Is anyone heading through from Edinburgh?? We are meeting at Tesco Dalkeith at 9.45am and then at McD's at Newbridge at 10.15 before heading through to Stirling. If you want to meet up send me a PM with your mobile number face-icon-small-smile.gif




<< We leave the Ikea Car park ( at the back of the car park @ 0930 sharp )

Blast thru the Tunnel then over the Campsies to me the rest of the squadron face-icon-small-wink.gif

Optimax refuel at Doune or Stirling face-icon-small-confused.gif >>

Route from Braehead to Ikea now sorted - CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

BRAEHEAD bods :- we;re now meeting @ 0915 sharp !!!!!!!!!!


1. Andy CTR

2. Kenny CTR & Graeme

3. Big D 350Z

4. Grovit Scoob

5. Montoya Civic Sport

6. Cal Scooby

7. Fraz CTR

8. DuncATR ATR

9. Gavin Evo & Scott

10. Corbie DC5 ITR

11. Fonz 600 CTR

12. Paul - Keevster CTR

13. Martin CTR

14. AndyBITR ITR

15. Dave Corbett ITR

16. Sooty Golf

17. Synch81 ITR

18. Miles Evo 6

19. 8905 - Robbie ?????

20. TommyATR ATR

21. The Squirrel Scooby

22. Grant Scooby

23. Friggler CTR

24. Dons man ITR

25. Weee jasey Robin Reliant

26. Megncalvin ATR

27. Silvergti CTR

28. Hi Soob Scooby

29. STi-Zlv - Matt Scooby

30. Swiggi Scooby

31. Davie Honda ITR

32. DJ - EK9 CTR

33. John EK9 Civic R

34. Kenny M - Scooby

35. Buckie - Ferrari

36. Andy - bike


With the numbers now going I'm going to have to pick groups before we go.

Do you Scoobs want to be put together or mixed up with everyone else?? Let me know asap!




<< With the numbers now going I'm going to have to pick groups before we go.

Do you Scoobs want to be put together or mixed up with everyone else?? Let me know asap!


Andy >>

Group 1 please Andy.

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