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Would a C&C midpipe do the job if i left the stock BB in place ( i.e the fiancee would see no visual difference face-icon-small-wink.gif


Welcome finally Cal.

The magic words - C&C will build you a system of your dreams - and could build you anything from a mid section to a full system. For sound you need to ditch the backbox - C&C could build you one which looks identical though face-icon-small-wink.gif

C&C Custom Stainless in Hillington

Don't forget to tell them that Brian sent you face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif When do you/did you get it Cal?

Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

P.S. Speak to Ricey (aka Rice Rocket) or Jamie (aka Hi Soob) about the spoiler risers.


<< Always kept very clean, and always driven by a young lady, who I guess was the wife/girlfriend of the owner if he worked offshore (assuming she wasn't the owner).

John >>

Judging by the alloys she was a dubious parker face-icon-small-wink.gif - I knew some keen Scooby spotter in Aberdeen would have clocked the regi at some point. I've to wait a couple of weeks for my cherished transfer but will then be out and about with " G** CAL"




Brian - would ditching the BB alone produce a decent sound ? I heard an Sti box on it's on and t was fairly quiet. Suppose a C&C job would be a "freer" breather and therefore a tad noiser?

Have used C&C before and they're spot on face-icon-small-wink.gif



Well done Cal!!!

If you handle the scooby like the type R the day we were on track at KH I can see us having some fun!!face-icon-small-wink.gif (Safe fun of course!!)

Callum W


<< Brian - would ditching the BB alone produce a decent sound ? I heard an Sti box on it's on and t was fairly quiet. Suppose a C&C job would be a "freer" breather and therefore a tad noiser?

Have used C&C before and they're spot on face-icon-small-wink.gif

Cal >>

OH YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! It most certainly would. I have a 3" cat back angled exit system from them and after several systems it is much "copied" and sounds the business - all cats in place too !!! SOOOOPPPPEEEERBBBBB!!!

C&C are the business - tell them you want one like mine and they will know exactly what you want - they are the boys!

Anyone want to vouch for the sound??

The backbox is your main sound generator - if you added a Blitz Nur Spec R you'd certainly hear it face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif


Sounds good - do you any pics of the sexual item ?

What other BB's do peeps recommend ?

I want to hear my car without it being obtrusive @ 80 mph on the motorway face-icon-small-wink.gif

Scoobysport ?

Ninja jobbie ?

TSL firestorm ?

Mongoose ?

Magnex ?

H&S ?

Any sound or video clips links would be much appreciated ?




Lookin' good, I like the slant on the zorst - have just sold my track CTR alloys so have some spare cash now face-icon-small-wink.gif

Do you have any other pics of your car ? I fancy the pro-drive spoiler face-icon-small-cool.gif - how much and where from

if your don't mid me asking




Prodrive spoiler from Subaru but you could do a search on eBay? Will cost roughly £500 plus fitting and painting - however the guy to try is DR Motorsport in West Calder (web address is similar to username) - catch David mainly on Scoobynet or at Knockhill. His spoilers come ready painted too and fit the four bolt holes of the boot, like my Prodrive one.

I have attached a few more piccies to give you the idea. I was near berwick today at the coast - wish I'd taken some picces @ Pease Bay too face-icon-small-sad.gif


P.S. You must be ITCHING to get it on the road and get it MODDED - unleash some of its power - maybe think about PPP - especially if you can get it second hand.


NICE ! That spoiler looks better than the standard STi8 one IMHO face-icon-small-wink.gif

Looks SO sweet ! As for PPP, I really fancy it but will have to bide my time face-icon-small-sad.gif

Did you tell the insurance co. about the majority of your mods and especially the spoiler ?




Pretty much yeah. Don't try to hide too much as it may catch you out one day. Just budget it into your modification cost.

I do like the Prodrive spoiler - not too many around, and better visibility than the STI-8 one

Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif

P.S. I touch goats


FINALLY ! I have the WRX in my possesion.... face-icon-small-happy.gif

Initial impression is that of effortless power and composure - the steering is excellent and i love how the turbo

comes in early compared with my old Vtec system. It does however feel huge in terms of dimensions and that will take some getting used too.

I love being constantly reminded by the bonnet scoop that there's a turbo under there. The brakes feel very progressive

but take a bit of poke to invoke the ABS. The seats are highly unforgiving so I'm glad my carcass ain't any larger face-icon-small-wink.gif - nonetheless

they are exceptionally comfy ! The car feels well bolted together with no squeeks or rattles. In terms of noise it's not hugely

audible ( but backbox is on the way face-icon-small-smile.gif) but you can still hear the throb of the flat four face-icon-small-cool.gifface-icon-small-cool.gif. The fiancee was given permission to nail it from

standstill whilst i stood like an anorak on the pavement. I love the noise it makes above 3000rpm and the throaty noise it makes

on the overun. Internally, the whistling of the turbo spooling up is nice too. So all in all I love it as you might have gathered.

Natalie described it as " faster than the Civic with much less effort" - not a bad summary for someone with no interst in cars. To my amazement the other day she declared that Scoobs were growing on her face-icon-small-shocked.gif

Now all I need for the meantime is mudflaps, new zorts and a cheeky dv face-icon-small-confused.gif - thanks to everyone for all of their advice

and patience.

An extnded country run @ the weekend will tell my more about how the Scoob handles at pace face-icon-small-wink.gif

Here are some pics taken today :-

Side on view 1

Elevated view




Alrighty Cal

You just need to get a full decat ninja like mine. Remember when you were behind me on the KH straight and mine was like a bomb going off....BOOM!!!!!!!!!

Nice mota btw face-icon-small-smile.gif



Cheer Swiggi - a backbox was on the cards until my boiler wents t1ts up yesterday. The resultant bill soon wiped out my mods fund face-icon-small-sad.gif

Are you changing your exhaust for a more aural number ? I'd also be interested in details of your boost guage ? Do you have any pics of your interior w.r.t alloy trim ?

Coulty - your a hooligan min' face-icon-small-shocked.gif - your set up is plain radio-rental by the way !!!


Congatulations Cal - enjoy it.

Just need to get rid of those hideous twin pea shooters on the back (well, anything except a screw on Halfrauds trim face-icon-small-wink.gif )

Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif


Yip I went for the blitz and its quality, its sounds great at 6 in the morning. tomorrow i will take some pics and either post them or send them in an email. or even better come along to the glasgow meet and I will show you, either or mate. My boost gauge is mounted on the left hand side of the steering coloumn next to the indicaters it was bought from subaru franchise in glasgow. This post is too long so I will send it tomorrow. cheers mate



Cal you could even stick on my STi exhaust to keep you going, it's sitting in my garage doing nothing.

I'll give you a call tonight, we (James and I) could meet up tomorrow.


<< Congatulations Cal - enjoy it.

Just need to get rid of those hideous twin pea shooters on the back (well, anything except a screw on Halfrauds trim face-icon-small-wink.gif )

Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif >>

Aye like yours you mean ya loon!

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